
The various predictions being made these days for overall economic and commercial success in 2020 couldn’t be more conflicting. On the one hand the third quarter has shown that the global economy is capable of rapid improvement. Unctad, for one, recently predicted that this year... more
43-44/2020 Of viruses and bacteria 

The ongoing downturn has prompted some of us to turn their eyes away from the skies – where there are now hardly any condensation trails testifying to transport activities anyway – and to stick their heads in the sand. We can join them for a moment and take a look underground,... more
41-42/2020 Constant change 

Having already experienced a lot of volatility in 2020, we would now appear to have entered an era of change. It’s easier this year than in most others to accept the fact that nothing ever stays the same. One of the shoulders we could lean on in these days of uncertainty has... more

Slowly, slowly the first dare-devils are sticking their heads above the parapet again. The question isn’t whether the rather timidly emerging new era is post-pandemic, the new normal, or post-post-modern – the crucial issue is how things will go in detail in... more

What on earth are the upsides of government measures to contain the outbreak of Covid-19? Well, airlines discovered airfreight again, for one. Previously, there were simply no main-deck capacities to be had, now parcels take passenger seats – provided they haven’t already... more

In ‘normal’ years, the time when the summer holidays slowly come to an end across Europe is also the time when the logistics industry returns to speed. As we don’t really live in normal times these days, however, the situation is now rather complex. Optimism in Asia is... more
27-30/2020 Ring in the old, ring in the new 

So now we can meet up with our friends and colleagues again – provided we adhere to recommendations concerning social distancing. There we are, happily chatting away about matters totally unrelated to the Covid-19 pandemic. After two or three sentences, however, we... more

Slowly, very slowly, for the moment, Europe at least is returning to normality. Whilst governments and scientists fine-tune the degree of relaxation they think will be appropriate, trade and industry is attempting to re-launch business. Logistics has a key role to play in... more
21-22/2020 Bottoming out? 

The first-quarter results for companies in our sector have varied considerably so far. Some of them are surprisingly good. C.H. Robinson may have lost 50% of its profits; K + N may have been hit by a drop in turnover of more than 6%; DSV Panalpina’s net profit may have fallen... more

There’s no end to the repercussions from the outbreak of Covid-19! The virus hals also left its extensive mark on this isssue of the ITJ. The overall impact on global supply chains of the wide-ranging reactions to the outbreak of Covid-19 can’t be assessed in any way yet – with... more