ITJ 23-26/2023 – Busy bees make honey – with a sting in the... 

Dear readers,We like to think in images that nicely illustrate facts for us. At this year’s Spedlogswiss annual general assembly in Lucerne early in June, Martin Bütikofer, the director of the renowned Swiss Museum of Transport, presented us with one such beautiful metaphor. He... more
ITJ 21-22/2023 – Back to normal 

Dear readers,After the fair is before the fair. Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam is scheduled just a few weeks after the end of Transport Logistic and Air Cargo Europe in Munich – which means that this issue is accompanied by a hefty Heavylift / Breakbulk Special supplement, which... more
ITJ 19-20/2023 From Mexico to Kochi via the Cape! 

Dear readers, Sensations attract most attention, there’s no way around that. Bad news is good for publishers. Isn’t it? No! Firstly, there’s good news even in the worst of times. And secondly, in our world of rampant scepticism and short attention spans, there’s room for... more
ITJ 17-18/2023 

Dear readers,Will Lufthansa be allowed to acquire a stake in ITA Airways? Or will the talks initiated in Rome at the end of January fail – just like the joint efforts of Air France-KLM and Delta Airlines did last autumn?The board of directors of the Italian airline approved a... more
ITJ 15-16/2023 

Dear readers,Rarely has the region covering Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia received as much attention as in the last twelve months. Sanctions have shaken up established supply chains as much as the war in Ukraine. The impact on logistics networks in Eastern Europe... more
More than just a drop 

We all know how important the oceans are – or perhaps it would be more apt to say ‘should be’? – to us and to life on earth. Around 90% of all goods in transit are carried on the world’s waters. The high seas account for approximately two thirds of the oceans and are vital not... more
ITJ 11-12/2023 

Dear readers,Even three years after the global spread of Covid-19 set in some of our contemporaries still don’t seem to have got tired of wearing a mask. According to Germany’s statistics bureau, carnival and entertainment articles worth EUR 114.9 million were imported into... more
ITJ 09-10/2023 

Dear readers,No, not “all good comes from above”... Relief supplies after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria on 6 February did, of course, but so do bombs and missiles. I learned at first hand what the invasion of Ukraine has meant for a logistics company for the past year.... more
ITJ 05-08/2023 

Dear readers,The day was always coming – now it has finally come. As we put this issue to bed Boeing handed over to Atlas Air the very last one of its B747s. The fact that it was a cargo version and that 80 or so originally passenger versions of the Jumbo still flying today move... more
ITJ 01-04/2023 

Dear readers,I hereby declare war on any quiet frustration arising when looking at the forthcoming – and still long – year 2023! Yes, the problems are many and the difficulties are great – but was it any different at the beginning of 2021? Let’s look ahead and implement an... more