ITJ 43-44/2022
Dear readers,
The news qualifies as a veritable public relations coup. The 2029 Asian Winter Games are going to be held in Saudi Arabia! The venue, called ‘Trojena’, is in the northwest of the kingdom where, at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,600 m above sea level, it’s supposed to be a bit cooler than in the rest of the desert state.
Whether it will ever snow there is another question. But that wasn’t a main issue when the 2022 Winter Olympic Games were awarded to Beijing. And who can say with certainty that there will be enough snow to go skiing here in the Alps over the coming years?
Trojena is just one part of a city of the future called Neom, which in turn is embedded in Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’. Logistics experts will hear a lot more about this stupendous project in future. Now the desert football World Cup in Qatar is up next. To help you pass the time until it kicks off – enjoy reading this issue!
Andreas Haug