ITJ 27-30/2023 – Leaving the worst behind us?
Dear readers,
Summer has long begun in our latitudes, and perhaps you too will soon be boarding a plane for your annual holiday. So even in your free time you’ll contribute to aviation finally overcoming its pandemic-related low. In any case, I recently sensed great expectations in the industry in Paris (see page 8). While these related primarily to passenger operations, there’s always some worthwhile business for airfreight on long-haul routes too.
And it’s sorely needed too, after the hard landing that followed the historic high of 2021. At least some analysts have ascertained a weakening of the downward trend. For the two weeks from 12 – 25 June, World ACD analysed more than 400,000 transactions per week, and found only slightly rising capacities (+1%) compared to the previous two weeks, with rates barely falling (–1%).
In any case, have a relaxing time in a deck chair now, or wade into the waves! We at the ITJ are also having a summer break. Our next issue, ITJ 31-35 / 2023, will be published on 18 August. You’ll also not receive our newsletter, the ITJ Daily, any more until 14 August. We’ll be there for you with our ‘Breaking News’, of course, if anything very important for transport and logistics happens in the meantime! You can also find us on LinkedIn. Besides, you’ve got plenty of interesting reading material for the next few days and weeks in this issue.
Here’s to a stimulating read and a relaxing summer!
Andreas Haug
Managing editor