ITJ 27-30/2022
Dear readers,
At the moment it seems a bit as if the world is holding its collective breath. The ongoing disruptions are likely to preoccupy us a little longer. Measures taken to combat the outbreak of Covid-19 in China, the war in Ukraine and the conflict between China and the USA, amongst many other issues, will be resolved at some point – it’s just that no one can say with any certainty when that will be. What is certain, in contrast, is that the era appears to be over in which demand for services at any price ruled. Not only are there inadequate capacities in the market, but shippers’ behaviour has also become more volatile.
We’re experiencing a lack of freight space and some of us are rediscovering the employee as a crucial factor. Of course we underline that they’ve always been important in the logistics industry – whilst concealing that we’re loosing many youngsters trained so well by us to other industries, or hiding the fact that we don’t train them. Training youngsters is one of the core entrepreneurial duties – not only making a profit.
Here’s wishing you a good read in these moving times!
Christian Doepgen