ITJ 23-26/2024
Dear readers,
Now that was a rather rainy spring this year, wasn’t it? Dear Saint Peter nevertheless meant well with us. Looking at the images on television every day of the heavy floods that have occurred in many places, then we here in Basel are glad to have been spared.
Of course water levels have also risen massively here at the bend in the Rhine where the river turns and starts to flow north, and here too inland shipping activities have been suspended on account of the water levels. Fortunately however, our feet remained dry this time.
Father Rhine has nevertheless once again shown us impressively that – despite all our modern achievements – we’ll ultimately never be able to tame nature.
This state of affairs reminds us once again that we in the transport industry bear a particularly great responsibility and are called upon to do more to become even more sustainable in our business activities.
With this in mind I’d nevertheless like to wish all of you a good summer.
Dennis Thomsen