What on earth are the upsides of government measures to contain the outbreak of Covid-19? Well, airlines discovered airfreight again, for one. Previously, there were simply no main-deck capacities to be had, now parcels take passenger seats – provided they haven’t already been temporarily removed. Brand new full-freighters are on order or conversions in the pipeline. It remains to be seen whether this will suffice to benefit from the boom and meet new demand. But of course no one knows how long ‘Queen Corona’ will reign.
There are plots for her downfall, at any rate. Word from Frankfurt – where the air cargo community was finally able to once again hold a ‘real’ conference at the end of August – has it that both the gateway’s largest carrier, Lufthansa, as well as the airport itself, Europe’s leading pharmaceuticals airfreight hub, are ready for action when a vaccine becomes available.
Until that case becomes reality we will continue to do our job. It’s all of our responsibility to ensure that the great importance of logistics remains firmly anchored in the broader public’s general awareness.
Andreas Haug