27-30/2020 Ring in the old, ring in the new
So now we can meet up with our friends and colleagues again – provided we adhere to recommendations concerning social distancing. There we are, happily chatting away about matters totally unrelated to the Covid-19 pandemic. After two or three sentences, however, we slowly gravitate back to the same old all-dominating matter at hand.
Sound familiar? Key questions immediately return to centre stage. Will the global pandemic spread further? Will it be completely contained? Of course the economic ‘side’-effects on our (and all other) industries are amongst the foci of our attention, and how effectively they can be combatted.
As you read this issue of the ITJ you’ll notice that most of the thoughts of our industry’s players are with the question of how they can live up to their role as bridges between nations and continents during and after the outbreak of Covid-19. They’re making all the requisite efforts and investments to fill the role, and have initiated all the appropriate restructuring measures. There’s plenty of fight left in the industry!
We’re happy to continue to take you, dear readers, on field trips to pastures new and old in what promises to be a very interesting future.
Jutta Iten