Slowly, very slowly, for the moment, Europe at least is returning to normality. Whilst governments and scientists fine-tune the degree of relaxation they think will be appropriate, trade and industry is attempting to re-launch business.
Logistics has a key role to play in the latter process. Shippers and logistics providers’ other customers currently need to be served particularly assiduously. Some industries have already noticed a rebound effect that has triggered capacity bottlenecks. Other sectors, in turn, are still suffering from restrictions and a rather sluggish consumer mood. Logistics enterprises can step into the breach here and provide flexible solutions. There are plenty of capacities available to this end in every mode of transport and on every route. The extremes – both positive and negative – of the last few months are now definitely a phenomenon of the past.
Trade fairs, conferences and other events, the platforms enabling personal contact and thus business, haven’t caught up with the encouraging recent trend yet. It may take a while for this segment to return to speed.
At least the ITJ’s latest offering enables virtual interaction. Every Thursday ITJ editor-in-chief Christian Doepgen presents the most important latest tidings from the transport and logistics industry in the ITJ Video News. You’ll find a link in our ITJ Daily and the video directly on our YouTube channel.