13-14/2019 Performance and pain!
It seems as if psychology has made it from the stock exchange’s trading floor to the real economy. The word of the month is restraint. Projects are postponed, investments put back, existing capacities stretched to their limits. Expansion is simply deemed too risky, due to the confusing overall economic situation. It’s not about the eternal principle – capital should be used conservatively – it’s about the over-cautious approach that service providers suffer from. The economic indicators are pointing towards a return to normal after the boom – and not towards a recession. Many a player is overreacting, and the logistics sector is amongst the sufferers.
Politics has lost its nimbus. Despite criticism to the contrary, it was at times one of the key driving forces behind the internationalisation of trade. Important decisions are now circumvented and detailed work on the small print is neglected. It’s under these circumstances that we’ve taken a good look at how the transport and logistics industry is faring in two very different regions, both of which are characterised by their proximity to French.
We hope you enjoy reading our Specials analysing developments in the Suisse Romande and the Maghreb!
Christian Doepgen