We live in a world of ever more rapid change. The USA under president Donald Trump – will he still be in office in a year? – recently signed a trade agreement with China that logisticians have hoped for for a long time – as it could give global trade a new impetus. The ink had hardly dried on the contract when the ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ started spreading at the eastern end of the New Silk Road, closing down entire cities and preventing millions of people from getting on with their lives. In the meantime, various international airlines have temporarily suspended flights to China.
Finally, but unspectacularly, the United Kingdom formally left the European Union after 47 years and one month. Citizens and companies on both sides of the Channel and of the Irish Sea will have to wait until the end of the year to find out the details of the new relationship between the old partners. The CEO of the port of Dover is relaxed (see page 7).
Two Swiss communities also make headlines every January – Davos on account of the WEF (see page 18), and Interlaken with its Swiss Shippers’ Forum (see page 6). Enjoy your read!
Andreas Haug
Head of airfreight