Barcelona in the black 

Despite the impact of the pandemic, the Port of Barcelona closed its FY 2020 in the black with a result of EUR 17 million. The port generated a turnover of EUR 139 million over the year, down 20% from 2019’s level of EUR 172 million. This decrease is due mainly to the decline in... more
Swedish trains now run to Italy 

The biggest rail transport deal for the European paper industry goes to DB Cargo: Since 2013, the German freight railroad has been a partner for ScandFibre Logistics (SFL), a logistics provider for the Swedish paper industry and part of the European supply chain linking Swedish... more
Scannell Properties expands team in Germany 

Jan Lenssen (l.) and Fabian Stratmann have joined Scannell Properties, a US real estate development and investment company specialising in large-scale industrial and logistics projects with offices in Europe. They will focus on project construction management, site management... more
Turn in trade with China? 

Statistics for 2020 show a clear shift in the trade flows between China, the USA and the EU. According to European Union statistics, EU states saw an increase in imports (+5.6%) and exports +2.2%) to and from China last year, despite the pandemic. The United States Census,... more
Livestock from Western Europe to Western Asia 

Air Bridge Cargo Airlines (ABC) has completed two Boeing 747 charter flights from Europe to Kuwait delivering 355 heifers and ten bulls to their new home. The flights, which were organised from Liege (Belgium) and Leipzig (Germany) to Kuwait City were planned and operated by... more
Umco promotes start-ups 

Anika Biehl, since 2018 managing partner of Umco, a veteran provider of compliance solutions for the global distribution and handling of chemicals, was elected to the Hamburg chamber of commerce's business creation and promotion committee last year. During the previous... more
C3 for Bremen 

Logistics services provider BLG Logistics is planning to set up a new hub for industrial logistics in Bremen's freight traffic centre. Starting probably in mid-2022, the provider will centralise the distribution of spare parts and machinery for an automobile manufacturer's... more
A transatlantic coalition is forged 

Two big industrial ports have a common cause. The US-Port of Corpus Christi, Texas, and the European Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands, have signed a memorandum of understanding for further collaboration. The ports outlined a number of shared objectives, which include... more
Fortec rebrand saves money 

Fortec Distribution Network has rolled out a rebranding following its integration into the Pall-Ex Group. The Northamptonshire-based pallet network has undergone an image overhaul as part of its 25th anniversary, which it is now taking to the road in UK. The new look... more
Innovative trucks to deliver cheese 

Two new Renault trucks, a D WIDE 380 P4x2 and a D WIDE 320 P4x2, now complete the fleet of Swiss food producer natürli zürioberland in Saland. The vehicles are used to supply wholesalers and retailers in eastern and northeastern Switzerland with dairy products, mainly cheese.... more