Five more weekly flights between BRU and MIA 

As preparations for distribution of a Covid-19 vaccine continue, Miami airport (MIA) welcomed on 1 October 2020 the launch of more all-cargo flights from Brussels (BRU), Belgium, one of Europe’s leading hubs for handling temperature-sensitive pharma products. European Air... more
Digital US contract platform goes Europe 

The New York Shipping Exchange (Nyshex), a digital freight contracting platform for container shipping, has raised USD 13.5 million from investors to support further expansion of the business. The company reported that these means will be used to attract new shipper segments and... more
Generation change at TST 

The logistics company TST, based in Worms (Germany), is extending its executive board, with retroactive effect from 1 September. Marcel Thomas Bicking (centre), previously general manager of TST, will join the management as new co-managing director. The executive board will... more
No more locomotive change at the border 

Slovenian company Primol-Rail, which belongs to the Polish PKP Cargo International Group, has completed the journey of the first container trains through the modernised crossing in Hodos between Slovenia and Hungary using its own multisystem Vectron locomotives. The... more
Rail speeds up seafood transport 

Freight operator Cargonet in Norway will open a weekly connection directly from Narvik (Norway) to Malmö (Sweden) on 23 October. With this first direct route the seafood can arrive up to one day earlier at customers across Europe, compared with the existing route through Oslo... more
SAL's step over the Atlantic 

This may be the beginning of a wonderful marriage. SAL Heavy Lift and Intermarine, two well-known brands in the heavy lift shipping arena, join forces within the Americas and for cross-Atlantic trade. SAL Heavy Lift, a member of the Harren & Partner Group, acquire a major... more
Launching Lahore flights 

Starting from this month, a new service between London and Lahore will strengthen IAG Cargo's existing presence in Pakistan, which since 2019 has also included flights to Islamabad, which resumed service on 14 September operating daily between the two capital cities. IAG... more
Sofia warehouse with direct rail access 

cargo-partner continues to expand its service portfolio in its iLogistics centre in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. To this end, the company has just opened a rail terminal on the warehouse premises. With rail access directly beside the warehouse, goods can be easily unloaded from... more
Confidence in shipping on the rise 

Carriers seem to be finding the way out of the valley of tears, gradually. One of the Big Three in Ratings, the Agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P), has just upgraded its perspective on the carrier Hapag-Lloyd. The shipping company's credit rating was raised one notch... more
Maritime purchases more container business 

The UK-based transport and logistics operator Maritime Transport (Maritime) will take over Wincanton’s container transport business, Wincanton Container Logistics, by an investment of approximately GBP 1.5 million. The move follows a strategic review of Wincanton’s business... more