Post NL planning to reappoint Herna Verhagen
The supervisory board of Post NL intends to reappoint Herna Verhagen for a new four-year term as CEO and member of the management board at the shareholders’ annual general meeting (AGM) in 2023.
Jan Nooitgedagt, chair of the supervisory board: “We’re very pleased that Verhagen is available for a new term at this important stage for Post NL. Given current macro-economic developments and geopolitical tensions, continuity in company management is very important. With her in-depth knowledge, experience, and networks, Verhagen is very well positioned to lead Post NL into the next phase.”
Verhagen was appointed CEO and member of the board of management in April 2019 for a four-year term. She became CEO on 24 April 2012 and has been a member of the board of management of Post NL since 31 May 2011. (cj)