Germany promotes intelligent trailer technology 

Last autumn, the Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (German freight transport association, BGL) demanded that climate protection in the utility vehicle segment must not end with the tractor unit, but that it also must include options to adapt the trailers.... more
Willem van der Schalk hands over 

Willem van der Schalk will retire from his position as managing director at the Hamburg based freight forwarder and family-owned company a. hartrodt Germany on 31 March 2021. His duties will be divided among the three executives: Thorsten Drunagel (left) will lead the sea,... more
Meachers purchases AFS Haulage 

UK-based Meachers Global Logistics has acquired AFS Haulage. This acquisition, finalised on 8 March 2021, has expanded Meachers’ business by opening new routes to market, such as Palletways, and adding specialist vehicles, including HIAB and flatbeds, to its fleet. Details... more
FM Logistic banks on renewables 

French logistics service provider FM Logistic has started to use electricity from renewable sources in its own warehouses in central Europe, signing renewable energy contracts with Poland's power group PGE and Czechia's utility Pražská Energetika. In Poland, PGE will supply... more
Joint efforts to strengthen Mexican maindeck capacity 

ACC Aviation, a global aviation consultancy headquartered in the UK, has transacted a B737-400 from Lithuania's Getjet Airlines to Frontera Flight Holdings, USA. The 1991-built aircraft will be reconfigured from 168-seat passenger fit to dedicated freighter for onward lease... more
Switzerland joins ICS2 

Switzerland will participate in the European Union's Import Control System 2 (ICS2). Customs data that are mainly generated in online trade will already be transmitted from the country of origin when the goods are shipped. This allows the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) to... more
Analysing a decade's progress in Barcelona 

The Port of Barcelona has launched a new economic impact study of commercial and digital activities, aiming to assess the port's commercial dimension and the added value it generates in the economy of its hinterland. The study will collect data from other indicators to... more
Grangemouth receives dual-rail hub 

The Scottish Port of Grangemouth has completed and opened a multimillion EUR railfreight hub with the arrival DRS’s Aberdeen freight train service. The new facility increases the capacity at Scotland’s largest port and includes a direct rail link to the port’s busy container... more
Airoldi rises to top regional position 

Fabrizio Airoldi has been appointed managing director of Geodis in Italy. He joined the global logistics services provider as management control manager back in 2006. Holding a degree in business administration, Airoldi began his career in the finance department before... more
Ceva Logistics narrows losses 

In its consolidated results for 2020, Ceva Logistics, the logistics arm of CMA CGM, shows an 4.1% increase in revenue to USD 7.4 billion and an operating income of USD 135.0 million, four times more than the USD 31 million in the prior year. Losses for the period narrowed to... more