Automated storage on 190 sqm 

Dematic has installed an automation solution at the warehouse of a Spanish healthcare logistics provider to improve storage processes on an area of 190 sqm. This project was completed at Grupo Servicio Móvil’s Madrid hub, where the logistics company stores medical supplies for a... more
Intermodal service between Adria and Styria 

Tailwind Intermodal’s first own train arrived in Graz, Austria, on 3 September carrying cargo from the Slovenian port of Koper. This deliver marks the debut of Retailer Lidl’s subsidiary as an independent railway operator on this route. The so-called panther shuttle will... more
Hamburg and Duisburg ports strengthen ties 

The Port of Hamburg and Duisport are strengthening their collaboration, with Duisport joining Hafen Hamburg Marketing as a new member. This partnership aims to combine their extensive networks to enhance transport solutions and promote sustainability. Both ports see... more
Magma Aviation inks freighter handling contract 

Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), a member of the Sats Group, has won a new multi-year contract to handle freighters for Magma Aviation at Liege Airport. Starting this month, WFS will provide ramp and warehouse cargo handling for a minimum of five regular Boeing 747-400F... more
GPA picks country sales director for China 

Glasgow Prestwick Airport (GPA) has appointed Colin Dai (left) as its country sales director for China. Dai brings over 25 years of experience in aviation and e-commerce, spearheading Chinese business for several international airlines, including Qatar Airways and Virgin... more
Circus on rail 

The German Circus Roncalli is returning to Vienna by rail for its first performance in the Austrian capitol on 11. September 2024. ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) is currently moving the 2.060 t of circus equipment and the blue-and-white striped Grand Chapiteau from Cologne (Germany)... more
Lineas and ECS set up joint rail service 

The railfreight operator and the intermodal specialist have joined forces to launch a freight train connection between Zeebrugge in Belgium and Crailsheim (Stuttgart region) in Germany, offering three weekly round trips carrying 42 containers per train. This will take more than... more
Zero-carbon deliveries in Baden-Wuerttemberg 

As the latest project in its strategy to shift to emissions-free transport services in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany), the automobile transport provider Mosolf Group has added six fully electric car transporters to its fleet. It presented the e-vehicles at its hub in Illingen... more
Hungary introduces e-CMS 

The digital protocol to the United Nations CMR convention for international road goods transport, entered into force in Hungary last week, setting a legal foundation for fully paperless road freight. Hungary is the 38th country to join e-CMR. The switch from paper-based to... more
New dashboard for Fraport 

A new ‘cargo dashboard’ service will display incoming cargo volumes and processes at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) in real time – representing yet another milestone in optimising cargo processes through digitisation. The aim of the software is to provide participating companies in... more