On the box ships' renaissance 

The shipyards are busy again. According to Clarksons, the order book for container ships is also on the rise. Since 2010, when 30% of the global order book were container vessels, their share of the operating fleet worldwide saw a constant downward trend to the low of 8.8% in... more
A new giant in Southampton 

The first unit in a new generation of HMM ships has docked at DP World’s container terminal at Southampton. The HMM “Nuri” is the first of eight 16,000 teu class mega-ships to sail the Asia and North Europe trade lanes. This vessel’s port rotation includes Busan, Shanghai,... more
Saudia Cargo's first commercial service to Denmark 

Utilising Saudia Airlines B777-300 passenger planes with 140 t payload capacity per flight, Saudia Cargo kicked off its "preighter" flights to Copenhagen. Chief cargo officer Teddy Zebitz, who is from Denmark: "We believe that Copenhagen, as a central location... more
Geodis: support for automation 

Antoine Pretin joins global supply chain operator Geodis as its new vice president engineering group, where one of this responsibilities will be to accelerate the automation of Geodis’ services. Pretin started his career in 2007 as a project manager at Sidel Cermex, first in... more
Train carries new vehicles over 4,700 km 

Russian Railways Logistics (RZDL) recently transported new vehicles of Russian manufacturer GAZ from Russia to Central Asia by rail. The nine buses and five cars were conveyed on universal platforms over more than 4,700 km from St. Petersburg (Russia) to Ashgabat in... more
New CCO at GATX Rail Europe 

GATX Rail Europe, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, the European branch of an USA-based leasing company for rail vehicles, has appointed Jörg Nowaczyk as new CCO, effective 1 July 2021. He will report directly to current CEO Johann Feindert. Nowaczyk brings rail logistics... more
Sale-lease-back for two Air France B777F 

Funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management and Merx Aviation, a global aircraft leasing, management and finance company, have completed a sale and leaseback transaction with Air France which comprises two B777F. The aircraft, manufactured in 2009, were acquired... more
More inland navigation on the Elbe 

In Germany, promoting the shift of cargo from road haulage to other modes of transport, including inland waterways, continues to be an important political issue. In central Germany, favourable water levels recently ensured a significant increase in large shipments on the... more
Mixed picture for Hoyer Group 

The Hamburg-based Hoyer Group, which operates worldwide for the chemical, petroleum, gas and foodstuffs industries, has reported stable figures for 2020. Turnover declined by 1% to EUR 1.12 billion (2019: EUR 1.18 billion). While the equity ratio rose slightly to 44.5%... more
Dronamics appoints chief product officer 

Dronamics, a London (UK)-based developer and operator of large cargo drones, has named Roger Morris as its new chief product officer, a new senior management team position, which oversees all customer and product activities in the business. Joining from Flash Forward... more