Better times for Bremen 

Despite corona, the ports of Bremen showed an improved performance in 2021. The quays and terminals in Bremen and Bremerhaven handled 69.7 million t of seaborne cargo in 2021, an increase of 4.8%. The ports were thus able to make up for the losses in seaborne throughput (66.5... more
Downturn, but no reason for concern 

Even though the corona pandemic has continued to keep a firm hold on airports during the first weeks of 2022, the German Airports Association (ADV) expects the trend to reverse at Easter. In the cargo sector, volumes are down slightly for the first time in over a year, but they... more
HGK Dry Shipping: a change at the helm 

Joachim Holstein has stepped down from the management board of HGK Dry Shipping with effect from 9 February 2022. Having played a key role in the now completed transfer and integration of HTAG's chartering activities into HGK Dry Shipping since the beginning of 2021, he now... more
Loading solutions for truck, rail and ports 

Vollert's intralogistics experts will showcase solutions for the safe and sensitive handling of batteries weighing tonnes in troughs or on transport pallets at the next Logimat fair in Stuttgart (Germany). These presentations include battery changing and charging stations for... more
A maritime strategy for Switzerland 

On 16 February 2022, the Swiss government, the Federal Council, mandated the department of foreign affairs to develop a comprehensive maritime strategy for the country in cooperation with the departments concerned and with the involvement of the business community, the... more
Hungary's first e-truck in operation 

With the first e-truck on the Hungarian market, Metrans is now offering carbon-neutral transports by road as well as rail. The new e-truck will join the fleet of WIN Capital, Metrans' road haulage partner, and will be used primarily for the delivery of international freight... more
Fit for future trade 

A number of associations have joined forces to create new data standards. Bimco, Fiata, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Swift and the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), in conjunction with its nine member carriers, have inked a memorandum of... more
Cool Chain Association's network grows 

LOT Polish Airlines and Tower Cold Chain have joined the Cool Chain Association. “We are delighted to join the CCA and look forward to collaborating to ensure pharmaceuticals are handled and transported by means of robust, reliable, reusable solutions,” said Nick Gilmore... more
Opticooler approved by JAL and ANA 

Dokasch Temperature Solutions has obtained technical approvals for its “Opticooler” active containers from Japan Airlines (JAL) and All Nippon Airways (ANA). Forwarders can thus now use the temperature-controlled packaging solution on all flights operated by Japan's two largest... more