First eActros delivered to Contargo in Germany 

The 20 battery-driven electric Mercedes-Benz vehicles will go into operation straight away at various locations of the container hinterland logistics network for container transport between port and customer. Contargo is one of the first enterprises worldwide to take... more
Handing over the baton at Finnlines 

Finnlines plc’s board of directors has appointed COO Thomas Doepel, who is also its vice-president and deputy CEO, as the shipping line’s new president and CEO from 1 March 2025. Tom Pippingsköld had previously informed the board that he’ll retire, and it has been agreed that he... more
Restructured Mediterranean routes 

Arkas Line is expanding its global shipping network with the launch of its India Med service (IMS) on 10 February, linking the Mediterranean and Indian markets. Operated with four vessels with capacities of 2,500-2,800 teu (which will increase to five in June), the IMS will... more
Land-based power for Grimaldi terminal 

Port of Barcelona improving its power supply. An onshore power systems at Grimaldi’s ferry terminal in the Catalan port of Barcelona (Spain) has arrived. The countdown to the connection of the first ferries next January has thus begun at the shipping terminal closest to the city. more
Logistics champions 

DP World and Rock-it Cargo team up for team sports. This year saw the Olympic Games and sailing’s America’s Cup staged in front of huge audiences. The logistics preparations for two future major sporting events are already underway today. The corresponding contracts were signed... more
500,000,000 / year 

German maritime ports’ hopes and expectations. The national association of maritime port enterprises in Germany, ZDS, has called for a more ambitious port policy from Berlin, and reiterated a call for financial support from the government. ITJ correspondent Claudia Behrend... more
Shaking hands with Asia 

Wide-body and short-haul freighters from EFW. Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), a German centre of excellence for Airbus passenger-to-freighter conversions that is a joint venture between ST Engineering and Airbus, recently reached a milestone; and also found two new partners in the Far... more
20 years, 21 million franks 

Camion Transport expanding its Bern branch. To mark the 20th anniversary of its facility in Burgdorf, Camion Transport is starting operations in its significantly expanded cargo logistics centre there. The firm is proud that this investment will make it fit for a sustainable... more
Bluebox expands tracking solutions 

Bluebox Systems has upgraded its cargo platform to include CO2 tracking and simplified shipment registration features. The Bluebox Cargo platform now enables users to keep track of their CO2 emissions and evaluate alternative transport routes based on the data. The company... more
5,700 trucks shifted to rail in Antwerp 

The Belgian railfreight operator Lineas and the German chemical company Evonik have relaunched a weekly train service connecting Evonik's production sites in the port of Antwerp with Lineas' main hub terminal. Here, seamless connections are provided to the lo-ro (left bank-right... more