Modalis bolsters Italian team 

The intermodal logistics solutions provider Modalis Group has welcomed Alessandro Lupieri as head of its new Italian subsidiary, with resonsibilty for the company’s business development in Italy, Switzerland and Eastern and Central Europe. After studying civil and transport... more
More movements but less volume 

At the annual press conference held by the French airline association Union des Aéroports Français (UAF) a week ago today, on 13 March 2024, developments in the airfreight sector were only mentioned in passing - as they were before the pandemic. With a volume of 2.244... more
New wagons for European grain transports 

Rail Cargo Logistics (RCL) has added 50 new grain wagons to its fleet from leasing company Ermewa. The wagons were built in Slovakia by manufacturer Tatravagonka Poprad and are now being used throughout Europe. The 95-m3 Tagnpps were specially developed for the transport of... more
Building a vehicle hub at Dunkirk 

Ceva Logistics has signed a contract with the port of Dunkirk to develop a new finished vehicle logistics site on a 9.5 ha plot. Located in the eastern part of the port, the hub will be used for export and import via maritime routes and include vehicle reception and storage... more
Record order for automatic stacking cranes 

ABB and the Austrian crane builder Kuenz have secured the largest single order of automatic stacking cranes (ASC) in European terminal history for the expansion of APM Terminals Maasvlakte II (APMT MVII) in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The contract includes 62 ASCs and one... more
Another B777F for Silk Way West 

Silk Way West Airlines, a cargo airline based in the Caspian and Central Asian region, will acquire an additional Boeing 777 freighter, scheduled for delivery in 2025. This order is an extension to the original agreement signed with Boeing in April 2021, wherein Silk Way... more
MSC Air Cargo banks on Descartes 

MSC Air Cargo, the cargo airline which the MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company launched in 2022, has adopted the Descartes Air Messaging solution to better manage airfreight shipments. The software developed by the Descartes Systems Group, a logistics technology platform,... more
Sunrock picks MD for its German branch 

Georg Brenninkmeijer takes over as managing director of Sunrock Germany, the German branch of an Amsterdam (the Netherlands)-based developer of photovoltaic systems for large-area roofs. One of his tasks will be to spearhead the company’s continued expansion in the German... more
H2-truck covers 2,000 km in four weeks 

A hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle (FCEV) recently finished a trial in the UK, recording the vehicle’s highest ever mileage. The van completed more than 2,000 km over four weeks, travelling up to 189 km per day on mostly urban roads and highways in some of South Wales’s... more
A UK-Turkey FTA 

The UK and Turkey are looking to negotiate a new free trade agreement, which is welcomed by companies like the specialist for overland trailer services Davies Turner. The 2020 tariff-free agreement was rolled over from when the UK left the EU and brought benefits to UK importers... more