Polish freight carrier wins new coal delivery contract 

Poland-based PKP Cargo has won a tender for transporting coal and limestone sorbents to the PGE Group. The gross value of the contract is more than PLN 665 million (EUR 155 million). PKP will haul most of the materials to the Dolna Odra and the Opole power plants. Under the... more
Seko to benefit from Ireland's growing economy 

Seko Logistics has expanded its presence globally in recent years and invested in new facilities in several key markets. Given the growing number of multinational companies operating in Ireland, as well as increased consumer spending, the country has become a prime market for... more
Alternatives for Italy-Germany-Sweden traffic 

In the aftermath of the train accident on the Storebælt bridge in Denmark, the country’s ministry of transport has banned the use of pocket wagons on the national rail network until 22 January. To ensure the flow of goods, the Swiss intermodal operator Hupac has developed a... more
New partner for logistics sector 

Simon-Kucher & Partners, a global strategy consulting firm, selected ten new partners from across the world at the beginning of the year. The newcomers include Kornelia Reifenberg for the logistics and distribution sector. Reifenberg works in Bonn and advises logistics... more
New Oman airport and e-AWB standard for national carrier 

Operational since September 2018, Duqm airport, the Sultanate of Oman's fourth regional airport, is officially opening today (14 January 2019). It covers an area of 27,400 sqm, and its 9,960 sqm air cargo facility is able to handle 25,000 t of freight per year. DQM is operated... more
Sievert banking on silo business 

Sievert Handel Transporte (SHT) is enlarging its service portfolio again by taking over Bavaria (Germany)-based Schmitt Silo Express's silo positioning business. SHT is primarily using the acquisition to reinforce its presence in southern Germany and increase supply reliability... more
Maximilian Rothkopf now Hapag-Lloyd COO 

Hapag-Lloyd’s supervisory board has appointed Maximilian Rothkopf to its executive board, effective 1 May 2019. On 1 July, he will become the new COO, replacing Anthony J. Firmin, who will retire on 30 June. Rothkopf, who holds a master's degree and a doctorate in business... more
Switzerland and Zambia sign aviation agreement 

Following an air services agreement signed with the UK just before Christmas (see ITJ 01-04/2019 out today), the Swiss Federal councillor Ignazio Cassis signed an air services agreement this week in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, with the country's acting minister of transport... more
New maritime organisation in Normandy 

The Ports Normand Associés and the Port de Dieppe recently formed the Ports of Normandy authority (PdN). The trade body met for the first time at the beginning of 2019, and elected Hervé Morin as president. PdN plays a vital role in the strategy of the Normandy region, the... more
Network enhanced by new partner in Poland 

The service provider Geis has become a member of the parcel and pallet transport network Eurodis. The new partner will deliver consignments in Poland and transport shipments from Poland to the other network partners. DHL was formerly in charge of delivering the Eurodis shipments... more