Pharma hauliers gearing up for diesel ban 

Trans-o-flex (Germany) has ordered 240 new vans, trucks and trailers this year. The company made the EUR 10 million investment to modernise and expand its fleet, as well as to prepare for the forthcoming diesel fuel ban. Most of the new units have diesel engines, but they comply... more
Handful of new managers at Gefco 

After chalking up success in 2018, Gefco Freight Forwarding is now pushing ahead with its expansion plans and has signed on five new directors: Valentin Elistratov, commercial director, Karin Van Den Brekel, health logistics director, Katherine Shek, regional director Asia,... more
Oliver Loch in charge of Kerry Logistics Germany 

Oliver Loch has shouldered the role of managing director of Kerry Logistics Germany. Based in Raunheim near Frankfurt, the new MD has been in charge of the company’s operative business in Germany - Kerry Logistics' second largest country organisation in Europe - since 1 February... more
Czech carrier receives first Sgnss freight wagons 

The Czech manufacturer, Ostravské opravny a strojírny (OOS), has started delivering delivered the first new 60 foot Sgnss series wagons, designed for hauling Innofreight containers and superstructures, to the Czech freight carrier CD Cargo. According to the tender that OOS... more
BLG Logistics working for Puma 

The sportswear manufacturer Puma has started to build a new logistics and distribution centre on an around 12 ha tract of land in Geiselwind, located between Würzburg and Nuremberg (all Germany). The service provider BLG Logistics is responsible for the overall project... more
UK: New haulier joins Palletforce 

Wyvern Cargo has joined Palletforce network in the south of England (UK). The Dorset-based firm brings more than 40 years’ experience to the network. Initially established to provide freight forwarding services, Wyvern Cargo now specialises in distribution and... more
New logistics site for Yusen in the Netherlands 

Yusen Logistics Benelux has opened a new logistics centre in Moerdijk (Netherlands). The multi-customer warehouse offers a storage capacity of 30,000 sqm, accessible via 30 loading docks, along with 900 sqm of office facilities. The flagship facility in Moerdijk will also be... more
Champ Cargosystems helps to measure emissions 

With the introduction of the new carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation (Corsia) initiated by Icao, the air cargo supply chain provides a unique opportunity for more stakeholders to measure their emissions. The average emissions during 2019 and... more
Wabco Automotive moves its headquarters to Bern 

Wabco Automotive, a supplier of braking and driving systems for utility vehicles, will move its global headquarters to Bern (Switzerland). The US company has so far run its global business from Brussels (Belgium). In a first phase, members of the executive management,... more
Czech locomotives ordered Emilia Romana region 

CZ Loko has won a tender to supply two EffiShunter 1000 locomotives to the Italy-based TPER joint stock company. The latter also has an option for another four units. The shunters will be used by TPER's subsidiary Dinazzano PO, a long-term customer of CZ Loko, already operates... more