Champ & Co win ECS Group challenge 

Champ Cargosystems has won the ECS Group #NexGenLeaders 2019 Challenge alongside Air France KLM Martinair Cargo and Dropslab. The consortium won the award for their augmented reality for air cargo warehouses project. The project increases efficiencies in ground handling... more
New name for Irish logistics provider 

Two years ago, Dachser took over the majority shares of the Irish Company Johnston Logistics. The provider is now fully integrated into Dachser’s network and will be rebranded and renamed as Dachser-Ireland in September this year. Dachser and Johnson Logistics have been... more
China and Russia to cooperate in Eurasian rail services 

RZD Logistics (Russia) and Sinotrans (China) have signed a strategic cooperation agreement to develop transit traffic from China to Europe. The agreement contains a long-term partnership in international railway freight traffic, involving container trains to Europe from... more
EUR 2.5 million for Synfioo 

The German start-up Synfioo is expanding its supply chain visibility platform for monitoring intermodal supply chains. Btov’s Industrial Tech Fund and Senovo joined existing investors as co-leaders in a financing round concluded in April. Synfioo’s solution includes an... more
Ian Adams to step down as ABTO chief 

Maritime AMC managing director Ian Adams is to step down as chief executive of the association of bulk terminal operators (ABTO), handing over the reins to ABTO’s current events director, Simon Gutteridge. Adams, who has been the driving force behind the association since... more
Expanding rail motorway services in Europe 

CLIP and CFL multimodal will launch a rail motorway train between Swarzędz (Poland) and Bettembourg-Dudelange (Luxembourg) by the end of 2019. The train will start with four roundtrips per week and be opened to containers, craneable semi-trailers as well as non-craneable... more
Distribution hub for tyre dealer Delticom 

The foundations for a new distribution hub for the online tyre dealer Delticom have been laid in Ensisheim in the Alsace (France). The developer in charge of the project is investing around 300 million in the 185,000 sqm centre located close to major transport networks in... more
Dirk Franke strengthens PTV Group 

The PTV Group’s regionalisation strategy is continuing apace: the mobility experts now operate and govern their global activities in more than 30 offices in six regions. Dirk Franke has been appointed regional managing director for the lucrative Central & Eastern Europe... more
Gumball 3000 takes off - with cars shipped by Emirates 

Starting in Mykonos (Greece) today, 7 June 2019, and finishing on Ibiza (Spain) on 15 June, this year’s Gumball 3000 sees the participation of a team from Dubai (UAE). For the second year in a row, Emirates Skycargo, the freight division of Emirates, is partnering with... more
More terminals and better connections for intermodal traffic 

The Swiss combined transport operator Hupac Intermodal and Duisburger Hafen (duisport) in Germany are intensifying their cooperation to further develop climate-friendly combined transport. The two sides have agreed to further develop the Duisburg terminal area and... more