New trucks in the port of Hamburg 

At the beginning of June, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) launched the first electrically powered trucks at its own freight forwarder Container-Transport-Dienst (CTD). CTD will use the new e-trucks initially for container transfers in the port of Hamburg and carry out... more
Between two remembrances 

After playing a major role in the commemoration the 80th anniversary of D-Day, yesterday, 6 June 2024, a fleet of legendary DC-3 type aircraft is heading further into Europe. Coordinated by D-Day Squadron (DDS), DC-3 variants representing World War II and Cold War vintage... more
An intelligent approach to warehousing 

Arvato and Microsoft have been working together on an AI-based research project aiming to facilitate autonomous warehousing. Dubbed “Moonshot”, the project will be showcased at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo in Barcelona. By examining and analysing warehouse... more
Celebrating 17 years of partnership 

Ethiopian Cargo and Logistics Services and Liege airport, the carrier’s main cargo hub in Europe, recently celebrated 17 years of a successful partnership. The two organizations reaffirmed their commitment to boost freighter operations and strengthen the strategic alliance that... more
A fresh pair of hands for the after sales unit 

Matthias Paletar took over as head of the after sales department at the Schwarzmüller Group, a niche supplier of trailers, vehicle technology and superstructures, on 1 May 2024. Paletar is the son of the sole owner of the Schwarzmüller Group, Beate Paletar, and grandson of... more
Greener inland haulage options in France 

In partnership with the logistics company Transmanut, Ocean Network Express (ONE) has launched a service to transport cargo inland using trucks powered by biofuel. Operating in the Le Havre area (France), the trucks will use Oleo 100 fuel, which is made from 100% French rapeseed... more
Bundling pharma logistics in Bavaria 

Trans-o-flex recently celebrated its topping-out ceremony at its new hub in Steinach, Bavaria. The transhipment site has been designed to integrate the company’s two networks. Trans-o-flex specialises in the transport of pharmaceuticals and sensitive goods and will make use... more
WFS lands new contract in North America 

Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), a member of the Sats Group, has won a three-year contract to provide passenger and ramp handing services for Air France at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. Launched on 23 May 2024, Phoenix is the airline’s 17th destination in the USA. Air France... more
AI technology to improve safety 

Hamburg’s water police department has implemented a digital model using artificial intelligence (AI) to systematically detect undeclared hazardous materials and enhance safety at the port of Hamburg. Supported by IT software firm Dakosy, the project was funded by the... more
Circling back to automation 

Circle, an Italy-based logistics tech provider, has been awarded the “Automotif” project. Together with its subsidiary and 18 partners from various EU member countries, the company will work to develop digital solutions for port and intermodal logistics. “Automotif”... more