DVF welcomes new member Cargonexx 

Ensuring an optimal utilisation of capacities to prevent unnecessary empty runs – that is Cargonexx' goal. The company has now joined the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (German transport forum, DVF). "We are very proud to welcome this new member, particularly since Hamburg-based... more
Flash Europe expands to Bulgaria 

Flash Europe is entering the Bulgarian market with its franchise partner Cargo Sped. Georgi Tsvetkov, owner of Cargo Sped Bulgaria, has invested in the master franchise licence and in two – out of a total of five – regional franchise licences in Bulgaria. These two regional... more
Heyworld implements Champ solution 

Heyworld has implemented Champ's "Traxon cargoHUB" for its digital data exchange, a platform featuring one of the largest air cargo communities, with electronic access to over 100 airlines and 3,000 forwarders, operating from 9,000 branches worldwide. The new... more
Testing solar panels on trailers 

The Germany-headquartered Nagel-Group has started to test the use of solar panels on the tops of 20 new reefer trailers to generate a small amount of energy for telematics self-sufficiently. The panels use the solar energy of daylight to charge the battery of the refrigeration... more
Descartes acquires Peoplevox 

Descartes Systems Group has acquired Peoplevox, a provider of cloud-based ecommerce warehouse management solutions. Headquartered in the UK, Peoplevox serves direct-to-consumer ecommerce customers around the world. Peoplevox’s web-based eWMS and ecommerce fulfilment... more
Turkish Cargo continues to buck the trend 

According to the international air cargo information provider WACD's December data, Turkish Cargo, which serves 321 destinations (88 maindeck destinations) in 127 countries of the world, grew significantly in 2019 and reported a 7.1% increase in tonnage in a sector in which the... more
EU: CFR Marfa must now recover illegal aid 

The European Commission has found that rail freight operator CFR Marfa received at least EUR 570 million incompatible state aid from Romania through a debt write-off and failure to collect debts from the company. Romania must now recover the illegal aid, plus interest, from CFR... more
KPI Bridge Oil acquires Ocean Connect 

The Danish KPI Bridge Oil, a global trader and broker in marine fuels and marine lubricants, will acquire the online bunker platform Ocean Connect Marine, hitherto belonging to Glencore. Subject to regulatory approval, the two companies will merge to form a new brand and... more
West P&I to acquire stake in Nordic Marine Insurance 

The West of England P&I Club intends to acquire a significant stake in specialist marine insurance provider Nordic Marine Insurance (NMI). Founded in 2012 and based in Stockholm, NMI is a provider of specialist marine products for ship owners and charterers; its services... more
LIS inaugurates new office building 

Logistische Informationssysteme (LIS) has inaugurated its new office building, the third on this site, in Greven (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). From now on, around 40 programmers and developers will be working in the 1,200 sqm building. With the new building, the... more