Further growth of Eurasian traffic forecast 

In 2016-2018 the market along the Eurasian corridor grew vigorously, but in 2018 and especially in 2019 the dynamic changed from fast to moderate growth and volumes were estimated at 345,000 teu, according to the latest study by UIC, the worldwide railway organisation. About... more
EU action needed on road frontiers 

Bottlenecks at EU borders have been causing unnecessary delays and interruptions of supply chains. The European Commission’s green lane guidelines just announced set a 15-minute maximum border crossing time for vehicles carrying any type of goods. The International Road... more
Covid-19 threatens freight forwarders' future 

The European full and part load network of international freight forwarders (Elvis) has called upon the German federal government to suspend road tolls for trucks during the corona crisis, with retroactive effect from 1 March. In an open letter, Elvis warns of the risk that... more
Mountpark develops new facilities in North England 

Mountpark Logistics it is funding a speculative development of 68,300 sqm at Omega South in Warrington between Liverpool and Manchester (UK). The facilities will be built by Omega Warrington Limited. Located at the gateway site to Omega South, the new development represents... more
Volume backlash already in February 

Seasonally adjusted, the container throughput index of the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute for Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) fell to the lowest value in its history in February, dropping 10.9 points to 102.5. In contrast, the... more
Saudia Cargo still shipping through three gates 

Saudi Airlines Cargo says is has taken proactive steps to ensure the continuity of all cargo and supply operations and the arrival of necessary goods and products including medical equipment, medicine and foodstuffs. The steps come in line with the official decisions, which... more
New network manager for Astre 

Bettina Wietzel-Skakowski has assumed the newly created position of international network manager for the logistics network Astre. At the same time, she has joined the team of the country branch Astre Dach in Germany. In her dual function, Wietzel-Skakowski will further the... more
LDZ revises its investment projects 

As the drop in railfreight volumes, which started already in the first half of 2019, continues, and taking into account the inability of Latvian Railways (LDZ) to balance its finances in 2020 without additional funding from the government budget, LDZ has revised its plans for... more
Liner shipping consortia BER to prevail until 2024 

The European Commission has decided to prolong the current liner consortia block exemption regulation (BER) until 2024. It was originally adopted in 2009, prolonged in 2014 for five years, and was due to expire on 25 April 2020. This regulation outlines the conditions under... more
No-deal Brexit prepared for virus pandemic 

Restrictions imposed across the globe to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic are inevitably impacting on the Scottish salmon farming sector. Flight restrictions and the cancellation of routes mean that the ability to supply Scottish salmon to some major markets is being hampered.... more