Rail company MKB invests in vehicle fleet 

Mindener Kreisbahnen (MKB) in Germany intends to upgrade its locomotive fleet as from 2021. To this end, the 121 year old rail company has ordered two new types of locomotives from Siemens. The “Vectron Dual Mode” combines a high-performance 2,400 kW diesel engine with the... more
Obligatory sale of Long Beach terminal pays off 

The decision of the committee on foreign investment in the United States to make Orient Overseas International (OOIL) sell its stake in Long Beach happened at the right time - for the seller. Since China’s Cosco Shipping acquired a majority stake in OOIL in July 2018, the US... more
Europa Road enters partnership with Gardner Distribution 

Europa Road has announced a new partnership with Gardner Distribution, further strengthening its leading logistics operation by expanding its reach across the South West region of the UK. Gardner is strategically placed to allow easy access to all major routes in the South... more
Kerry Logistics delivers socks to health professionals 

Kerry Logistics has donated its services to deliver 5,000 pairs of compression socks, given by Glasgow-based online travel retailer Trtl, to frontline health professionals across Scotland. The compression socks were originally designed for passengers on long haul-flights, will... more
Globaltruck expands its fleet by 101 trucks 

In 2019, Globaltruck increased the trucking freight turnover in Russia by 5.8% compared to 2018 and posted 247 billion tkm. The average number of operated trucks in 2019 grew by 101 or 8.1% y-o-y, and reached 1,346 units versus the 1,245 units operated in 2018. The total... more
EU redefines conditions for Fehmarn project 

For Scandlines and Stena Line, the decision taken by the European Commission regarding the Fehmarnbelt fixed link at the end of March further speciifies the existing conditions for the project. After another review, the European Commission concluded that the public financing... more
USA-Canada border controls as example 

All borders in the EU currently remain open for freight transport. Between Canada and the USA there are restrictions on people crossing the border but the controlled maintenance of road and rail freight is guaranteed. The International Federation of Freight Forwarders... more
Theemsweg Route to be operational by end of 2021 

The Port of Rotterdam Authority has awarded the contract to construct the superstructure of the new Theemsweg Route, which is part of the port of Rotterdam railway line, to railway builder Volker Rail. Work is expected to start in the second half of this year. The contract... more
Turkish Cargo adds capacity on PAX aircraft 

Turkish Cargo has started to operate cargo flights with Turkish Airlines’ PAX aircrafts in addition to its flights with 25 high capacity freighters in order to prevent any mishaps in the supply chain and carry the medical cargo that are of vital importance. Having operated... more
Swiss Post opens new parcel hub 

Swiss Post has inaugurated the second of four new regional parcel centres in Ostermundigen (Canton Berne). Priority parcels from Berne and the Bernese Oberland are now sorted directly in Ostermundigen, the birthplace of Ursula Andress, the first Bond girl. In the light of the... more