Massive pressure on the margins 

In conversation with Rolf Hadolt, owner and managing director of the Hadolt Group. ITJ correspondent Josef Müller filed this rather personal report from his visit to Graz, where he was warmly welcomed by Rolf Hadolt. The manager is optimistic about business this year,... more
The Papyrus Hunter takes a detour 

The company Emil Egger transports a fighter bomber half way across Switzerland. 18 Swiss air force FA-18 jets landed on the country’s A1 motorway recently, 33 years after the last time aeroplanes belonging to the Swiss flight force, as it was then known, landed on a Swiss... more
Rapid but not rash action 

In conversation with Nicole Fischli and Max Sgouridis, Rast Logistic. In 1986 Thomas Rast founded his own trucking firm. Today he keeps himself more in the background, as deputy managing director. The company doesn’t stop reinventing itself, however. ITJ editor Andreas Haug... more
More than just hot air 

Cleantech scale-up opens first industrial plant for solar fuel production. Synhelion, which was founded as a spin-off from Switzerland’s Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich in 2016, has inaugurated the world’s first industrial plant in which synthetic fuels are produced... more
Meet the neighbours 

Camion Transport in Basel developing strongly. Just a few months have passed since the takeover of the company Hänger by Camion Transport became effective (see page 19 of ITJ 39-40 / 2023). Michael Werner, head of the Basel branch of Camion Transport, explained to the ITJ during... more
New player in Poland – and beyond? 

Ukrainian Railways cooperating with partners in Europe. Poland’s rail authority has granted a railway licence to a regional subsidiary of Ukrainian Railways. The traction permit opens the door for it to enter the European railfreight market. more
Transport and geopolitical changes 

A report from the 2nd Burgas Connectivity Forum. Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, the director of the foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Sofia, believes that establishing links for the free movement of people and goods is fundamental to economic development in the Balkans. He... more
Undergoing a painful transformation 

Reorientation in the Russian transport sector. Prior to 24 February 2022 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the development of the country’s transport industry was primarily oriented towards the West, thanks also to strong economic ties between Russia and the EU. The... more
Neutral, but fully committed 

What ’WeDeclare’ does for (Swiss) customs clearance processes. The joint venture ’WeDeclare’, founded three years ago by the software developer Periplus together with the M + R Spedag Group, has seen rapid development in a short time, from the start-up stage to a firm with 60... more
Build and operate special units 

In conversation with Dennis Leschensky, Goldhofer’s head of sales for Europe and North Africa. In his eight years at Goldhofer, Dennis Leschensky has overseen many a major transport project – and assumed increasing responsibilities. First he was a junior salesman, then an area... more