Another cyber victim 

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has confirmed that it has been hit by a cyber-attack against its IT-systems. The UN organisation spoke of “technical issues” at first, but declared by the end of the week on its official Twitter account that the troubles - the... more
M&M launches Austrian affiliate 

The Militzer & Münch group has now put its Austrian office in Vienna into operation. The focus will be on providing logistics services and rail transports for markets in central and eastern Europe. Nikolay Gueorguiev has been appointed as branch manager to head the new... more
ICS publishes updated corona guidance 

The first guidance of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of Covid-19 was issued in March 2020. Since a great deal has changed since spring this year, the ICS has now published a new, fully updated version of... more
90 years ago today: the end of British airship plans 

Exactly 90 years ago, on 5 October 1930, R101, with a length of 237 m the longest airship of its time, crashed on its first flight from Cardington (UK) via Ismailia (Egypt) to Karachi in modern Pakistan. The explosion near Beauvais (75 km north of Paris) killed 48 of the 54... more
Update of CMA CGM's digital status 

Now it is the CMA CGM group's turn. After Maersk and other shipping groups, the French carrier, hit this week by a cyber attack, continues to recover. Ceva Logistics was spared by the "Ragnar Locker Gang" suspected to be responsible for the incident. For a time,... more
Another batch of flat cars delivered 

United Wagon Company (UWC) has delivered a batch of flat cars on 25 t bogies for transporting timber freight, under the terms of an additional agreement signed this summer with Arkhbum, a major regional operator on the railway services market in Russia. This is now the third... more
Another billion USD for the Suez Canal 

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has scheduled investments of just over USD 1 billion for the coming financial year 2021. Among other projects, the assigned investments will be used for the completion of four tunnels underneath the Suez Canal – two in the proximity of Port... more
Pushing pharma air freight globally 

Air Bridge Cargo Airlines (ABC) has completed complex transportation of 12 SkyCell containers from Hong Kong to Amsterdam, Netherlands. The project was planned in advance as the containers needed to be shipped to Asia in pre-conditioned mode. In Hong Kong, they were loaded... more
Singapore engages in Australian logistics 

GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, increased its stake in ESR Australia Logistics Partnership (EALP) to 80%. ESR Australia will continue to hold a 20% interest in the partnership. The selldown of EALP's remaining 35% is in line with the strategy outlined at the time EALP... more
Expanding another air charter network 

Only two months after the latest expansion of routes and extra capacity, DSV now adds an additional two B747 freighters to its Europe-Asia cargo air bridge. From this month, one of the freighters will be operating on the existing route between Shanghai and Luxembourg –... more