MSC block trains: full speed ahead 

MSC reports that its recently-launched Asia-to-Europe ocean and rail solution has been well received by its customers (see ITJ Daily from 24 April 2021). Introduced in mid-May, the first shipment of MSC containers was moved via block train from Vostochniy to St. Petersburg in... more
Ettamogah rail hub handles 1,800 m trains 

A rail siding in the Ettamogah rail hub near Albury in NSW (Australia) has been upgraded for around AUD 12.2 million (EUR 7.7 million), providing significantly increased efficiency for freight and passenger rail services. The new siding extension will work with Inland Rail to... more
A silver lining for reliability at sea? 

According to Sea-Intelligence, a maritime intelligence provider from Copenhagen (Denmark), the increase in global schedule reliability in March 2021 didn’t last. Reliability levelled out, with carriers recording a 1 percentage point decrease month-on-month in April, coming to... more
Asia-Pacific airlines stagnated in April 

Preliminary figures released by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) have shown that passenger demand remains depressed, whilst cargo demand grew. Renewed border restrictions and lockdowns in many Asian economies quelled hopes of resurgent international markets.Some... more
Shanghai test centre now operative 

In Shanghai, Centre Testing International (CTI)-Maritec, a fuel and environmental technical advisory company for the maritime industry, recently cut the ribbon of a new fuel-testing centre. The opening of the lab, located in the city’s Minhang district, coincides with the first... more
Chinese port connected to train 

The container terminal in the Chuanshan port area of Zhoushan Port in Ningbo, East China, recently saw its first rail-sea intermodal train arrive. 100 standard containers fully loaded with solar PV modules were short-barged by trailers from the train to the cargo ship heading... more
ALC looking for new CEO 

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) thanks and says farewell to its chief executive officer Kirk Coningham OAM, whose last day was yesterday, 31 May 2021. Recruitment for a replacement CEO continues with the ALC board commending the high quality and volume of talent that... more
More ULCV for CMA CGM 

China's CSSC Jiangnan Shipyard, an affiliate of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, has delivered another 23,000 teu dual-fuel containership to Marseille-based shipping company CMA CGM. The newbuild, CMA CGM Trocadero, is 399.9 m in length and 61.3 m in width. The vessel... more
Woody biomass in MOL's focus 

MOL is planning to procure a newbuilding Panamax bulker to transport woody biomass for energy as its main cargo, especially by power companies in Japan. The new vessel’s specifications are in pre-compliance with the energy efficiency design index (EEDI), the environmental... more
Interactive pick-up in Hong Kong 

The MTR Corporation, a majority state-owned company that runs Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Railway (MTR), and the Kerry Logistics Network are jointly launching a new online-to-offline (O2O) retail solution in Hong Kong, through their sub-brands MTR Shops and Kerry eCommerce. O2O... more