Another gateway to Asia 

Berlin-based airfreight booking platform welcomes new customer Philippine Airlines. Philippine Airlines is set to expand its marketing capacities for digital bookings through a new partnership with Cargo One. The Filipino national airline is currently also in the process of... more
VCT upgrades cargo handling with new MHCs 

Visayas Container Terminal (VCT), a unit of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) in Iloilo, Philippines, has launched two new mobile harbour cranes, the first in Panay Island, to boost port efficiency and capacity. Manufactured by Konecranes, each crane can... more
IAPH 2024 sustainability awards are out 

The International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) recently announced the winners of the IAPH 2023 Sustainability Awards during the gala dinner of the IAPH World Ports Conference in Hamburg: American, European & Asian ports are all among the winners, with Ulsan Port... more
Name change to unify Transworld’s global presence 

Shreyas Shipping and Logistics Limited, an integral player in India’s coastal shipping sector, has rebranded to Transworld Shipping Lines Limited as of 1 October 2024. This change aligns the company with the broader identity of its parent, Transworld Group, aiming to unify its... more
Switzerland: first rail tracks to get solar panels 

The first solar panels designed to produce electricity from solar energy are about to be laid between the tracks at Buttes station in the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel. The federal office of transport (FOT) recently approved a pilot project to this effect. The photovoltaic... more
V. Group expands Chennai office 

V. Group (“V.”), a global ship management and marine services provider, has expanded its office in Chennai, India, enhancing its regional operations and customer engagement. The new office consolidates two existing locations, bringing together over 200 staff involved in... more
Much ado in Malaysia 

With a 300% growth rate in two years, Best Group’s has reached its latest milestone in its expansion in Malaysia. The logistics provider has now been able to achieve an 100% coverage in the Southeast Asian country. Less than two years after its Malaysian launch in December... more
A transformational transport operation 

Globalink Logistics recently moved four main body transformers weighing over 90,000 kg from Wuhan (China) to Kazakhstan. In a time-critical operation, the logistics specialist handled four transformers, each measuring 6.70 m x 3.10 m x 4.00 m. Initially loaded in Wuhan, the... more
First freight airline for new Sydney airport 

Australia’s Qantas Freight has signed on as Western Sydney international airport's first freight airline to operate at its 24-hour cargo precinct, which will increase Sydney’s air cargo capacity by around 33%. Construction of the precinct – which will include up to 75,000 sqm of... more
ICTSI's EJMT terminal opens in Indonesia 

The East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT), operated by International Container Terminal Services Inc. (ICTSI), has officially opened in Lamongan Regency, Indonesia, following 18 months of construction. It features a 300 m quay, a deep-water draft of 13.5 m, and state-of-the-art... more