
Artikel Nummer: 38509
“Utikad First Team” wins elections
The “Utikad First Team”, led by Ms. Ayşem Ulusoy, won the elections to the association of international forwarding and logistics services providers (Utikad) board of directors in Istanbul.
Ulusoy said: “I would like to thank all the members who supported me, my colleagues in the Utikad First Team and my family. As someone who has spent years in the logistics industry and Utikad, I will do my best to fulfil this duty.”
Ulusoy added that Utikad will continue to work for the benefit of the international transportation and logistics industry.
Our latest issue, ITJ 45-46/2021, includes a Turkey Special and will be distributed at the Logitrans trade fair in Istanbul, from 10-12 November 2021. (cj)