
Artikel Nummer: 41254
Slight increase for USA's cargo airlines
US airline industry (passenger and cargo airlines combined) employment increased to 751,165 workers in April 2022, 4,752 (0.64%) more workers than in March 2022 (746,413) and 16,178 (2.20%) more than in pre-pandemic April 2019 (734,987).
US cargo airlines reported 277,575 workers in April, 37% of the industry total. Cargo carriers added 330 employees in April. Fedex, the largest air cargo employer, increased employment by 478 jobs.
US cargo airlines employed 248,183 FTEs in April, up 670 FTEs (0.27%) from March. US cargo airlines have increased FTEs by 22,226 (9.84%) since pre-pandemic April 2019.
Data are compiled from monthly reports filed with BTS by commercial air carriers as of 9 June 2022. (cj)