Nexxiot onboards AI expert Ákos Maróy
Ákos Maróy, who has been working with global technology companies for over 20 years, with a special focus on digital deployments, strategy, and innovation, has now joined the Nexxiot team.
In the role of CDO (chief data officer), Maróy will oversee the leveraging of asset and cargo data gathered by Nexxiot’s asset intelligence technology. The company headquartered in Switzerland serves asset owners, carriers, shippers, and cargo transport stakeholders in the logistics network.
Maróy has been working in the past as a CTO and innovator with a focus on deploying AI in various fields. He has an in-depth know-how of cloud-based Saas architectures in a B2B environment and recent experience at both Google and Meta as a manager in software engineering. (cj)