"K" Line: director Makoto Arai to step down
At its recent board meeting, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Line) announced that Makoto Arai will step down as director, managing executive officer on 23 June 2022. He will however retain his position as managing executive officer. Yukikazu Myochin will remain president & CEO and Atsuo Asano vice president executive officer.
Yukio Toriyama, Kazuhiko Harigai, Yasunari Sonobe and Kiyotaka Aya will retain their current positions as senior managing executive officers.
Daisuke Arai, Shingo Kogure, Takenori Igarashi, Noriaki Yamaga, Keiji Kubo, Yuji Asano, Michitomo Iwashita and Masatoshi Taguchi will also remain managing executive offices.
"K" Line’s executive officers are Toyohisa Nakano, Satoshi Kanamori, Akihiro Fujimaru, Hisashi Nakayama and Fumiyoshi Sato. (cj)