MIA cargo: freight traffic up 8% in Q1/2022 

After racking up big numbers during its second-consecutive record-breaking year in freight traffic, Miami International Airport (MIA) is well on its way to a three-peat in 2022 as it kicks off World Trade Month. In Q1/2022, MIA’s total freight volume increased by 8% year... more
Transflo announces changes at the helm 

Transflo, a mobile and cloud-based platform that automates and simplifies the supply chain process for more than 65,000 North American trucking companies and their customers, has named Renee Krug (centre) CEO of Transflo, allowing Frank Adelman (left) to become Transflo’s... more
War in Ukraine and Omicron weighing on air cargo 

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has released March 2022 data for global air cargo markets showing a drop in demand. The effects of Omicron in Asia, the Russia – Ukraine war and a challenging operating backdrop contributed to the decline. Global demand,... more
Short line railroad now in service 

Charlotte Western Railroad (CER), a subsidiary of Jaguar Transport Holdings, has begun its rail operations. The US short line railroad acquired leasehold rights to approximately 21 km of track owned by the North Carolina department of transportation (NCDOT). It connects with... more
Nuvocargo hires Jay Gerard 

Nuvocargo, the first all-in-one digital platform to focus on USA-Mexico cross-border trade, has appointed Jay Gerard as head of customs. Gerard has over 20 years of logistics and operational management experience and was most recently global customs director, North America,... more
Icao: major trends in January 2022 

World freight traffic reported a growth of 2.7% in January 2022 (compared to 2019), 6.2 percentage points down from the increase in the previous month. The softening was broad-based across all regions, particularly in Asia/Pacific, North America, and Latin America/Caribbean.... more
Inland Port Greer soon to handle 300,000 rail units? 

South Carolina Ports has commissioned Hamburg Port Consulting (HPC) to assess options for expanding the capacities of the Inland Port Greer, one of its intermodal rail terminals in USA. HPC already provided a development plan for the facility some years before. In an update,... more
Increasing rail efficiency by 25% 

The Container Port of Long Beach in Los Angeles (USA) has completed a USD 34.7 million rail project that will increase efficiency of goods movement and reduce congestion on local road networks by shifting more cargo to trains. The new constructed double track access adds a... more
DHL can't help the trend 

Deutsche Post DHL Group remained on the growth path in Q1/2022. Revenues went up by 19.8% to EUR 22.6 billion, while operating profit (ebit) amounted to EUR 2.2 billion (Q1/2021: EUR 1.9 billion). At 9.6%, the ebit margin was at a comparable level with the previous year... more