Aero Africa now from India to Johannesburg 

Following the BSA neutral scheduled consolidation services from EU, China, and UK, Aero Africa is launching new air import services ex India to JNB, Southern Africa. Aero Africa will now provide additional weekly scheduled services from five air cargo gateways in India on... more
Call for urgent action to cap fuel prices 

Global oil prices, reaching their highest level since 2008 this week, are set to climb even higher amid continuing instability and sanctions related to the Ukraine crisis, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) anticipates. The organisation now calls for urgent... more
Hapag-Lloyd to buy DAL's container liner business 

Taking the opportunity to increase its service portfolio, Hapag-Lloyd has signed a framework agreement with German carrier Deutsche Afrika-Linien (DAL) to acquire its container liner business. The completion of the transaction is subject to approval by the relevant antitrust... more
Diesel pricing in frenzy 

According to data published by maritime intelligence provider Vessels Value, the price for diesel continues to rise. Since the outbreak of the war in Europe on 26 February 2022, the MR Atlantic Basket (an average of freight rates on key routes in the Atlantic Basin) climbed... more
New combined road-rail service in East Africa 

MSC has introduced its first intermodal service in Ethiopia. The new solution combines road and rail transport between Djibouti and Ethiopia and facilitates smooth imports and exports out of landlocked Ethiopia. Imports can be trucked from Djibouti to Addis Ababa or Modjo in... more
A new low in reliability on the seas 

Copenhagen-based Sea-Intelligence has analysed the schedule reliability figures up to and including January 2022. As expected, schedule reliability lost again to reach 30.9% "the lowest ever global schedule reliability since Sea-Intelligence started the measure in... more
6.9+ million Covid-19 vaccine doses for Ethiopia 

The US embassy in Ethiopia has reported the arrival of 840,060 doses of the Pfizer vaccine that USA is sharing with Ethiopia through Covax. This batch, which arrived at the Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, via Covax on 1 March 2022, brings the number of doses of... more
IRS to focus on "innovating rail" 

The 11th International Railway Summit (IRS), which will be organised in association with the International Union of Railways (UIC), will take place in Berlin (Germany) on 30 May – 1 June 2022. The topic will be ‘Innovating rail for people, planet and prosperity’. The... more
First flights for newcomer from Malta 

Airhub Airlines has inducted a A330 into the fleet, bearing the Maltese registration 9H-AHQ. The addition of a new aircraft type aims to strengthen the competitive position of Airhub Airlines in the Acmi and charter market, complementing its product and services. The A330 is... more