Ammonia-fuelled engines by WinGD 

Swiss marine power company WinGD is set to supply ammonia-fuelled X-DF-A engines for two 46,000 cbm LPG/ammonia carriers to be constructed for ‘Exmar LPG BV’, a joint venture between Exmar and Seapeak, at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. The two 52-bore X52DF-A engines will be... more
Circle Group wins MNSW contract 

In partnership with Open Plan Consulting, Circle Group has won a EUR 144,000 contract in the European Maritime Safety Agency's (Emsa) tender to assess the feasibility of establishing a maritime national single window (MNSW) for countries on Europe’s borders, which include... more
AAL expands in Taiwan with Wallem 

AAL Shipping (AAL) is expanding its presence in Taiwan by appointing Taiwan Wallem Transportation Co. as its exclusive commercial and port agency representative within the region. With local representation in Taiwan for over two decades, AAL is enhancing its project heavy lift... more
German ports for a green future 

At an event entitled “German Ports and Shipping on Course for the Energy and Climate Transition” which was organised by the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (DVF) in Berlin last week, the German maritime and logistics industry discussed the competitiveness of the ports and the shipping... more
DBJ joins Blue Vispy Consortium 

Helsinki-based maritime software and data services provider Napa has announced that the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) has joined the Blue Visby Consortium. The Blue Visby project focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry by around 15% by... more
Bimco's response to shipping regulations 

Bimco, the world's largest international shipping association, has responded to the increasing regulatory changes and the industry's commitment to decarbonization by introducing a new Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Clause for Voyage Charter Parties. This new clause,... more
Forest product export optimised in Gothenburg 

The Port of Gothenburg has implemented an innovative transshipment solution in collaboration with Södra, a Swedish forest industry group. This solution will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, optimising the export process for Sweden's forest products.... more
"RMS Ruhrort": ready for methanol fuel 

Rhenus Maritime Services (RMS), a global logistics specialist, is introducing the “RMS Ruhror”, a coastal ready to use methanol as a future fuel. While it currently operates with a diesel engine, the vessel is designed to meet the latest technical standards for current and... more
OOCL confirms trends on liftings and revenues 

In container shipping, the gap between volumes and revenues keeps widening. Q3/2023 results of the carrier OOCL, an affiliate of Cosco Shipping, confirmed this trend. Over the third quarter ending on 30 September 2023, the carrier's total revenues decreased by 65.1% to USD... more
ICS on how to measure emissions 

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the global association of shipowners that represents more than 80% of the world's merchant fleet, presented the data collection system of the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in London... more