New port strategy of Djibouti continues 

On 22 February 2018 the State of Djibouti prematurely terminated the Doraleh container terminal concession, which was granted in 2006 to Doraleh Container Terminal (DCT), a company mainly managed by DP World. While the legal proceedings around the withdrawal of the... more
Merger of Hapag-Lloyd with UASC bears fruit 

The Hamburg-based carrier Hapag-Lloyd achieved a more satisfactory result in 2018 than in previous years. On the basis of preliminary and unaudited figures, its Ebitda surged by almost 8% to EUR 1.14 billion (2017: EUR 1.05 billion). Ebit rose by 7.2% to EUR 443 million (2017:... more
Scrubbers are the order of the day 

Another contract for marine scrubbers underlines the ongoing transformation of the world's shipping fleets - and yet more business for supplier CR Ocean Engineering (Croe). A USA-based shipping company is now retrofitting more vessels with the respective air pollution... more
Port of Gothenburg on a rising tide again 

The port of Gothenburg noted a pleasing upswing in 2018. Volume growth intensified during the year and was strongest during Q4/2018 with +27%. The increase can be compared with the downturn in volumes during the industrial dispute at the Swedish port’s container terminal in... more
Maersk on the defensive 

Maersk reported that its profitability was in line with the latest guidance for 2018. Ebitda amounted to USD 3.8 billion, 8% more than in 2017. The improvement in operating earnings was driven by higher freight rates, efficiencies gained from the integration of continuing... more
Laurels for GAC in India 

The office of the additional commissioner of customs at Krishnapatnam Port (India), has named GAC India the top steamer agent for financial year 2018-2019. Among all agencies, the award winner handled the most port calls during FY 2018-2019. From April 2018 to January 2019,... more
Den Hartogh and MOL set up new partnership 

The Japan-based unit MOL Chemical Tankers (MOLCT) has acquired a 20% stake in Den Hartogh Holding. After the acquisition, both parties will sign a partnership deal aimed at jointly expanding the transport of liquefied chemical products, via tank containers, parcel chemical... more
Full year figures for Spanish Ports confirm good 2018 

The full year 2018 results for Spanish ports are generally favourable. According to data published by Puertos de Estado, a total of 550.7 million t were moved in 2018, 3.5% more than in 2017. In the period under review, the volume of goods in international transit rose by... more
Invest securely 

The American Association of Port Authorities has presented the latest report in its infrastructure series, ‘The State of Freight’. It comes as no surprise that it has called for state investment – the amount and the focus are somewhat different this time, however. more
HHLA banking on sustainable energy 

At the beginning of the year, the German port operator Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA) and selected partners commenced research and development work on the publicly funded Fresh project at the Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA). The goal is to integrate the battery... more