Container throughput index reaches surprising peak 

In their flash estimate for August 2019, the German RWI – Leibniz institute for economic research and the institute of shipping economics and logistics (ISL) indicate that the container throughput index has risen slightly to 139.2. Hence it exceeds the previous record level of... more
Port of Long Beach launches incentive strategy 

Every container counts: The port of Long Beach is launching an incentive programme for liners to move more boxes. The harbour commissioners were to vote on a paper of the port’s staff saying that the competitor, the port of Los Angeles, introduced a successful incentive... more
Green week in Barcelona coming to an end 

In the port of Barcelona, APM Terminals has been celebrating the annual ‘Go Green’ event during the week of 23-27 September, which aims to raise awareness among the entire port community for the respect and protection of the environment. During these days, talks, workshops... more
RSA is catching up 

Internationalisation requires improved infrastructure in ports and in their overland transport links to the hinterlands. In South Africa, the venue of this year’s Fiata World Congress, these needs are creating a veritable shake-up of the port and logistics sector. more
Ports throughput globally back on track 

The London (UK)-based maritime consultancy Drewry sees a comeback on the rise. The global container port throughput index, which experienced a dip of around 2.5 points in June 2019, bounced back to 134.7 points in July 2019. On an annual comparison, the index was 2.8% (3.6... more
Debate on European state aid for shipping sector 

The report on the maritime subsidies of OECD countries published by the International Transport Forum (ITF) remains in the headlines. The main conclusions mostly address the EU state aid guidelines (SAG) and their application in EU member states. The ITF report questions the... more
CMA CGM vessel's launch marks new era 

The CMA CGM Group, Marseille (France), has launched the world's largest (23,000 TEU) and first containership powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG). This launch took place at the Shanghai Jiangnan-Changxing shipyard. Rodolphe Saadé, chairman and chief executive officer of... more
Growth of container volumes less buoyant this year 

Despite all political turbulences, global container volumes will continue to grow this year. The maritime analyst Alphaliner predicts that container port throughput for the full year will increase by 2.5% in 2019 - a downwards revision from its 3.5% growth estimate in January.... more
The new "hydrotug" to float in 2021 

The creation of a prototype for a water vessel with alternative fuel is in progress. The port of Antwerp has commissioned the construction of a tugboat powered by hydrogen, the first of its kind, which shall be operational in about two years. The so-called “hydrotug” will have... more
Acquisition in ballast water treatment sector 

The France-based Bio-UV Group, manufacturer of the Bio-Sea ballast water treatment system, has acquired a 100% stake in Scotland-based Triogen Holdings and its subsidiary Suez Purification and Disinfection Systems from Suez Water Technologies & Solutions. Triogen... more