The port of Rotterdam moved sideways in 2019 

The port of Rotterdam handled the same amount of freight in 2019 as the year before. Freight throughput remained practically on the same level with 469.4 million t. Following a good start in the first six months of 2019, growth in container transhipment was almost negligible... more
A felicitous anniversary for Niedersachsen Ports 

15 years ago, Niedersachsen Ports assumed the responsibilities of the ports and shipping administration in the German state of Lower Saxony. Since then, it has invested almost EUR 1 billion into the expansion and maintenance of the ports. New harbour areas, such as the... more
Peel Ports to sell shares? 

A sale of shares of the Peel Ports Group seems to be imminent. According to the British press, the current shareholders, the property mogul John Whittaker and DWS as Deutsche Bank's investment branch, have agreed to sell 25% of the total shares to Australian Super. The... more
Euroaméricas enhances its transatlantic services 

Euroaméricas, a joint venture between the Dutch shipping company Onego Shipping and Bergé, has reinforced its maritime cargo service between Bilbao (Spain) and the United States with another vessel. The enhancement will be carried out by the Onego Mississippi, a general... more
Investment in Jaxport Channel continues 

Keeping up public investment, the US federal government has just earmarked USD 93 million for the next phase of deepening Florida's Jacksonville shipping channel to 14 m from its current depth of 12 m. This step is part of the US government's full funding of its portion of... more
Surprisingly bright outlook for container shipping 

The Berlin (Germany)-based European credit rating agency Scope ratings published its 2020 outlook on container shipping. According to its expectations, and maybe surprisingly, the container shipping industry is sailing into less choppy waters this year. Due to improved cost... more
Pushing women's careers in shipping 

A programme to support the qualification of female seafarers has been launched by the Palau International Ship Registry (PISR). Special emphasis is given to the certificates of competency (CoC), certificates of proficiency (CoP) and certificates of endorsement (CoE) as part of... more
Outstanding year for the port of Toronto 

The port of Toronto enjoyed a good year in 2019, handling 2.3 million t (MMT) of cargo. This load marked a peak over the last 15 years. The number of ships visiting the port increased by a significant 20%, with 213 ships calling in 2019 versus 179 ships in 2018. Overall, the... more
Container streams struck by coronavirus 

In its Sunday Spotlight 449, the Copenhagen (Denmark)-based maritime consultancy and analyst Sea-Intelligence pointed out "the rapid escalation in blank sailings" and further consequences that the coronavirus has for the global container market. Since export... more
Barcelona's 2019 figures hold the balance 

Altogether, the port of Barcelona sees 2019 as a year of consolidation. It achieved a turnover of EUR 172 million in 2019, moving sideways with regards to the 2018 result of EUR 174 million. This income stability was achieved despite the 10% reduction of the cargo fees, which... more