ONE enhances TPV service 

The Singapore-headquartered Ocean Network Express (ONE) will introduce a new call to Batangas on its Thailand Philippines Vietnam (TPV) service starting from April 2020. The TPV service currently connects Laem Chabang and Cai Mep with Manila and vice versa. With the new... more
Iraq volumes push ACT's throughput 

The Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT) on the Red Sea saw a volume growth of 3.4% for the period of August to December 2019 compared to the previous year. The first two months of 2020 confirmed the trend with a growth in import container volumes of 13% and in export container... more
Extending the range of mobile harbour cranes 

The machine rental service provider Goeyvaerts is expanding its fleet. Founded in 1953, Goeyvaerts started with cranes for barge handling on inland waterways. In 2006, it expanded its offering with harbour cranes. Goeyvaerts now operates in seven European ports: Antwerp,... more
Special transport to Southern Italy 

The activities of the industry - including project logistics - continue in Italy. The shipping company Grimaldi Group has been entrusted with the transportation from Spain to Italy of new wagons that will enhance the Naples metro fleet. The first six units recently arrived... more
New guide for maritime cyber security 

The non-profit group Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a neutral body established to further digitalisation of container shipping through technology standards, recently published the DCSA cyber security implementation guide to facilitate vessel readiness for the IMO... more
ICS calls not to forget about IMO 2020 

Maybe in the second line due to coronavirus precautions, port state control authorities nevertheless have been enforcing the IMO’s Sulphur 2020 since the beginning of March, making it an offence for ships to carry fuel that contains a sulphur content higher than 0.5% unless the... more
Russian Global Ports back in black 

The container terminal operator Global Ports, Russia, has reported its figures for 2019. Revenues went up by 5.3% to USD 361.9 million (+4.0% like-for-like, adjusted for JSC Logistika-Terminal (LT) revenue and revenue from VSC railway services). While adjusted ebitda went up... more
Eimskip in rougher seas 

The Icelandic carrier Eimskip reports a flat year of 2019, with a lower result also due to regulatory and one-time effects. Container volumes, especially in imports to Iceland, went down, thus the revenues amounted to EUR 679.6 million, a decrease of EUR 9.6 million or 1.4%... more
Project to upgrade the port of Cuxhaven approved 

Plans to close a gap between Europakai and the Offshore-Basishafen in the north German port of Cuxhaven have been approved. Once it has received confirmation of the approval from the authorities, the Hafengesellschaft Niedersachsen Ports (NPorts) can begin work to upgrade the... more
Service North Africa-Latin America reshaped 

CMA CGM has announced the reorganisation of its Sirius service connecting the Mediterranean with the East Coast of South America, effective March 2020. The new rotation will now concentrate on the Western Mediterranean, the hub ports of Algeciras and Tangiers from where... more