Ports keep up services 

The major ports worldwide are up and running in order to keep supply chains up. With Chinese ports returning to normal, US American ports being exempted from public bans, the notices of European ports spreading the news keep flowing in. Pars pro toto, just like Antwerp,... more
Cargo vessels not immune against port ban 

In Australia, Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) recently banned all commercial ships from entering ports in Queensland if the ship, or any person onboard, has been in any country outside of Australia within the last 14-days. Port authorities are obviously considering similar... more
CMA CGM launches Jeddex 

The routes Europe and Red Sea from/to Kenya and Somalia's strategic markets are again in the focus of CMA CGM. The Marseille (France)-headquartered unit is preparing to launch its Jeddex service. The deployment consists of four vessels of a 1,100 teu nominal capacity each.... more
Vessel crews in danger, says ISSA 

Crewmembers of vessels could be the ones to suffer as ships find themselves unable to take on essential medical supplies and provisions as the extent of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic takes hold around the world, according to the International Shipsuppliers & Services... more
MSC reshuffles Latin American loop 

The Switzerland-based shipping company Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) is adapting its USA-South America East Coast (USA-SAEC) service, starting in April with the "MSC Carolina" voyage 13R. The new rotation features new calls in Cristobal, Paranagua and... more
Cleaning up on the high seas 

Ardent is on hand to help out whenever a fire breaks out on a cargo ship, if it loses containers or even should it sink. Regional director Bas Michiels recently told some exciting stories from an interesting niche. more
Special authorisation of Baltic Exchange 

Baltic Exchange Information Services (Beisl), the Baltic Exchange’s and Singapore Exchange's (SGX) subsidiary, has been authorised by the UK’s financial conduct authority (FCA) as a benchmark administrator under the EU benchmarks regulation. Thus, the Baltic Exchange’s daily... more
Links kept up by Scandlines 

Scandlines continues to operate on schedule on its Puttgarden-Rødby and Rostock-Gedser routes between Germany and Denmark. Although Denmark closed its frontier with Germany on 12 March and Germany followed suit in the other direction on 16 March, freight traffic is set to... more
PDL in new hands 

A good slice of the cake: Neptune Pacific Line (Neptune), a shipowner and operator active in liner and project markets in the Pacific Ocean, has acquired Pacific Direct Line (PDL) from PDL’s parent holding company, Pacific International Lines (PIL). The divesting carrier,... more
Port of Dunkirk stresses multimodality 

More multimodal transports in Dunkirk: In total, the share of alternative modes to road in 2019 amounted to 65% of land-based traffic to and from the French port. Inland shipping increased by 200,000 t, driven by the resumption of grain exports in the second half of 2019,... more