Gothenburg notes strong Q1/2020 

The Port of Gothenburg witnessed stable freight volumes in Q1/2020. This came to light in the Swedish port's new freight volume report. Container volumes actually increased by 8% on the export side and even reached 10% in March. On the import side, a downturn was noted due... more
New TOS for Trieste Intermodal Maritime Terminal 

Trieste Intermodal Maritime Termina (TIMT) in the port of Trieste, and the Circle Group,a specialist for the analysis and development of automation and digitalization solutions for port sectors and intermodal logistics, have signed a contract to provide the Milos® Terminal... more
Naming ceremony for "HMM Algeciras" 

The world's largest containership to date was constructed by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) at its Okpo shipyard in Geoje (South Korea). The South Korean shipping company HMM, which recently changed its brand from Hyundai Merchant Marine to the acronym, held... more
7.5% less global capacity in container shipping 

According to data compiled by the Copenhagen-based maritime intelligence company Eesea, the global capacity in container shipping for 2020 has already been cut by 7.5% at this point in time. Shipping capacity was down by 9% in April. So far, a total of 302 out of 2,693 sailings... more
Cargo traffic volumes remain firm at Viking Line 

While the ongoing pandemic has caused a serious deterioration in Viking Line’s operating conditions, cargo traffic is continuing. Backed by Finland’s National Emergency Supply Agency’s decision to aid cargo traffic to ensure supply security, four of the group’s vessels are... more
New port community software in Dunkirk 

Now it's official - the C.C.S.Hauts-de-France company, whose sole partner is the Maritime and Commercial Union representing the Dunkirk port community, will introduce Cargo Community System Ci5 for managing its flow of goods. The contract for a renewable five-year period was... more
Ship recycling regulations soon effective 

New European ship recycling regulations will enter into force at the end of the year. The EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EUsRR) stipulates that all ships over 500 grt - which call at EU ports - must have a statement of compliance (SoC) demonstrating that they have an inventory of... more
Four gantries for Conakry 

Conakry Terminal, located in the capital of Guinea, and a subsidiary of Bolloré Ports, recently took delivery of four RTG gantries. Built by lifting equipment manufacturer Konecranes, the four gantry cranes were designed specifically for handling containers at port terminals.... more
Up and running: DP World's digital platform 

Dubai-headquartered DP World has launched several online tools, covering its sea, land and air shipping services on a global scale. The connected system of platforms enables freight forwarders and shippers to book shipments of cargo from and to destinations worldwide, by any... more
Vision of Duisport Group prevails 

The Duisport Group's CEO, Erich Staake, answered the most pressing question at a press conference, which was held online for the first time. Staake assessed the situation as follows: “Overall, we expect total economic output to decline by around 10% in 2020. In many... more