Less congestion on West Coast? 

Despite the Port of Long Beach's busiest February so far, the congestion in front of the ports of Los Angeles seems to be easing. Long Beach handled almost 772,000 teu in February, a significant upswing of 43.3% in comparison to the same month in 2020. Imports lead the way... more
River transport links Paraguay with Brazil 

Brazil Tec Plata, the Argentine subsidiary of International Container Terminal Services, recently welcomed a new service that links the ports in Paraguay to the Port of La Plata, and from there, to the main ports in Brazil. The service, which made its first stopover at the... more
Analysing a decade's progress in Barcelona 

The Port of Barcelona has launched a new economic impact study of commercial and digital activities, aiming to assess the port's commercial dimension and the added value it generates in the economy of its hinterland. The study will collect data from other indicators to... more
MSC plans Sentosa service 

MSC has launched a new container shipping link, the Sentosa service, to widen its network between southeast Asia and the US west coast, with a view to improving reliability in the transpacific network at a time when the entire market remains under considerable systemic pressure.... more
K Line on the remote side 

In Mid-March, the “Century Highway Green”, a car carrier fuelled by LNG that had been under construction at the Japanese Tadotsu Shipyard was delivered to K Line. It is the first newly-built vessel to obtain Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK) notation certifying that the ship is... more
Equipment for Yilport portfolio 

The Yilport Holding has ordered 27 new Kalmar machines to be spread across its ports and terminals: 11 reachstackers, four empty container handlers and 12 heavy terminal tractors. Delivery of all machines is scheduled for Q3 and Q4/2021. Currently, the Yilport Holding... more
From Sweden down south 

Starting 12 March, a new direct service will link the Port of Gothenburg with South Africa and Oceania. The Norwegian shipping company Höegh Autoliners will operate the connection on a weekly basis. The “Höegh Trigger” is the first unit which will serve the link, together... more
2020: uptick in reefer market 

The reefer market saw a global upswing in 2020, with a worldwide average growth of 3%-4%. The increased volume of reefer containers in the Belgian port of Antwerp last year is partly due to the increased demand for healthy foodstuffs and pharmaceutical products. In 2020, the... more
From Alaska to the Spanish Isles 

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) recently sold ferry vessels to Spain. In mid-March, the AMHS vessels the “Fairweather” and the “Chenega” were acquired by Servicios y Concesiones Maritimas Ibicencas of Ibiza (Spain).The sale price for... more
2020: Ranking of European Ports 

In the pandemic year 2020, the 15 European ports with the most container traffic handled 76.8 million teu, 2.8% less than in 2019. Some of the ports registered significant double-digit downturns in H1/2020, but a generalised recovery in the second half of the year allowed... more