"Eco Savona" christened 

The port of Savona has just witnessed the christening of the vessel “Eco Savona”. This is the fourth hybrid ro-ro unit of the most recent GG5G (Grimaldi Green 5th Generation) vessel class to be ordered by Naples-headquartered Grimaldi Group. The ship's inaugural call in the port... more
Hamburg Süd launches insurance tool 

Maersk’s affiliate Hamburg Süd has introduced "Value Protect", a new solution for shippers offering them additional protection in the event of cargo damage. The shipping company speaks of a complement to its existing inland transports and customs services, where it... more
POCC joins green power partnership 

The Port of Corpus Christi located in Texas on the western Gulf of Mexico has joined the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) green power partnership, which seeks to reduce the negative health impacts of air emissions through the use of renewable energy. The close of... more
Suez not felt in Antwerp – so far 

In Q1/2021, the port of Antwerp recorded a throughput of 59.1 million t, on a par with the volumes of the same month last year. As the port said in a press release: "For the coming period, it remains to be seen what the impact of the incident in the Suez Canal will... more
Logistics Zone at Guayaquil opened 

A Special Economic Development Zone (ZEDE) has been launched in Ecuador. It is located in the hinterland of Contecon Guayaquil (CGSA), an affiliate of International Container Terminal Services. The Philippines-based port operator, together with national government and port... more
Terminal refurbishment in Rouen 

Port of Rouen is refurbishing its facilities on a grand scale. Following the current deconstruction of the Quai des Hauts Fourneaux de Rouen located in Grand-Quevilly, the port will start upgrading the Grand Aulnay wharf (APGA). This unit is operated by Rubis Terminal, a... more
Ships' values soar 

It is indeed a record. According to data from Clarkson Research, the value of the global merchant fleet has surpassed a trillion dollars in April due to rising prices for second-hand ships, especially in the container and bulk sectors. The broker's general second-hand price... more
AAL's Asia-Americas Trade lane scores 

The multipurpose and project heavy lift carrier AAL Shipping (AAL) transported a heavy lift barge from Taicang, China to Papeete, Tahiti On its ‘Asia – Americas Trade Lane’. The barge weighed-in on hook at 410 t and measured over 53 m in length and 3,657 cbm, and was stowed... more
A bigger fleet for Harren Bulkers 

The new star was born only recently. Just a few months after the launch of Harren Bulkers, three 93,000 tdw post-panamax bulkers will now form part of its fleet on a long-term basis. The Bremen-based shipping company acquired the post-panamax bulker “Topas” (built 2011),... more
Port of Savannah reaches threshold 

The Port of Savannah (Georgia Ports Authority) on the US East coast handled almost half a million teu in March. This represents an increase of more than 48%, or 162,000 teu, compared to the same month in 2020, an all-time record. Counting the 498,000 teu moved in March, GPA... more