Record month for port of Virginia 

In May the US east coast port of Virginia, whose activities centre on Hampton Roads harbour, set a new record for a single month when it handled almost 315,000 teu, a 56% rise that saw it surpass the previous record by almost 30,000 teu. A call from the 16,000 teu ‘CMA CGM... more
HL orders ULCVs 

The German shipping line Hapag-Lloyd recently finalised an order for another six 23,500 teu ultra-large containerships, bringing the number of ULCVs in the carrier’s pipeline to twelve. The move “won’t provide immediate relief for the current capacity shortage,” the line said,... more
Analysing wind propulsion for commercial ships 

The Marin research institute and the American Bureau of Shipping classification organisation (ABS) have launched a joint industry project to facilitate wind propulsion as an important tool in the decarbonisation of shipping. The second ‘Wind-assisted ship propulsion’ project... more
RST and Kramer do a swap 

Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals (RST) and Kramer Group have agreed to swap certain areas of their port concessions at the City Terminal Rotterdam. RST will take over the area generally known as ‘Kramer Site’, which is of strategic importance for inland navigation, amongst others,... more
More ZIM for Alibaba 

Haifa-based carrier ZIM Integrated Shipping Services and e-commerce platform have announced that they will extend their cooperation agreement for two more years. The agreement that enabled sellers to book and purchase sea freight on ZIM and logistic... more
MOL's Mauritius fund ready for action 

Japanese carrier MOL has established the "MOL Charitable Trust" in the Republic of Mauritius as part of its actions to address the impacts of an oil spill, which occurred when the MV "Wakashio", a bulk carrier chartered from a subsidiary of Nagashiki... more
More bridges at sea 

The fallout has triggered structural changes for traffic between the United Kingdom and the countries in the EU. New partnerships are further driving the expansion of shortsea shipping links, with Unifeeder, P & O Ferries and A2B-online all in the thick of it. more
CMA CGM speeds up service 

Marseilles-based carrier CMA CGM is restructuring its Bsmar service connecting the Black Sea, Turkey and Morocco, as from June 2021. Transit and lead times will be improved due to the rescheduling of terminal berthing windows and one single call in the Port of Algeciras. The... more
Trieste Marine Terminal ready for fresh fruit 

The Trieste Marine Terminal is prepared for the harvest season. There is now more space for reefer containers, due to the implementation of an additional power unit, and new plugs are now operational to comply with seasonal peaks of temperature-controlled cargo. The total number... more
Harren Bulkers' growing fleet 

The bulk carrier’s fleet continues to grow: German shipping company Harren Bulkers just acquired the Handysize bulker “Pabari” (37,000 tdw, built 2012, Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, South Korea). With an overall length of almost 187 m (beam 28.60 m, depth moulded 15.60 m), “Pabari”... more