Strong H1/2021 for Port of Houston 

Out of the approximately 450 airports, seaports and border crossings in the United States, the Port of Houston ranked third after the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Newark according to statistics of the US Census Bureau. In trade, the Port of Los Angeles generated USD 146... more
First dual-use LPG carrier in Japan 

The naming ceremony for the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)-fuelled LPG carrier "Crystal Asteria", which is being built for Kumiai Navigation, was held at the Sakaide Shipyard recently. The vessel is Japan's first dual-fuel LPG carrier, capable of running on both LPG... more
Baltic port of Lübeck exceeds results of 2019 

Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft (LHG) handled 12 million t of goods in H1/2021, making up for the Corona-related shortfalls of 2020. "With an increase of 4% compared to 2019, we have continued our earlier successes," said LHG managing director Sebastian Jürgens.... more
Ningbo detour in full swing 

It is just one of 19 terminals - but Ningbo Meidong Container Terminal is the one in Ningbo, the world's third-busiest box port. Usually, the terminal handles about one quarter of the port’s container cargo. Operations at Ningbo Meishan port terminal were suspended on 11... more
More towage power for Suez Canal 

Global towage provider Svitzer has extended its running contract with the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) to include two additional tugs. Svitzer has been offering towage services in the Suez Canal since late 2019 with the two units Svitzer Port Said 1 and Svitzer Port Said 2... more
Green laurels for Duluth 

The inland port on Lake Superior, the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and its terminal operations on Rice’s Point, improved their ranking in the recently released Green Marine 2020 environmental performance report. Their rating advanced from a 3.8 in 2019 to a 4.0 score in 2020 on... more
Making up for last year 

Q2 / 2021 was seriously spoilt by measures to counter the outbreak of Covid-19. H1 as a whole was better, however. The upsurge is expected to continue to the end of the year for Duisport. more
Triple whammy in France 

Half a year after the official decision the ball is now in the Swiss court. The firm Alsaceterminal, a subsidiary of Swissterminal, can commence activities in the inland ports of Ottmarsheim, Huningue and ÎIe Napoléon. Le Havre and Marseille are on board too. more
Nile Dutch deal closed 

The road ahead is clear. In March, Hamburg-based carrier Hapag-Lloyd announced the acquisition of Dutch container shipping company Nile Dutch Investments(Nile Dutch). After all responsible antitrust and regulatory authorities had approved the transaction, Hapag-Lloyd formally... more
NYNJ continues recovery 

Cargo flows at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s facilities showed further signs of recovery in June 2021. While hinterland traffic via bridges and tunnel nearly reached pre-pandemic levels, the seaport set another monthly cargo record with May 2021 being the... more