European money for Port of Genoa 

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has decided to grant a EUR 300 million framework loan to Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale (Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea) to contribute to financing the ongoing renewal of the Ligurian port area. The EIB... more
Caen: Port bridge back in service 

After 15 days of closure for works, the Bénouville Bridge in the Port of Caen - part of Ports of Normandie - was reopened to the traffic again, despite the difficult weather conditions of the past week and the nature of the manual work carried out. Two of the six hydraulic... more
USD 3 billion for a future in logistics 

The Marseille-headquartered CMA CGM Group is opting for the American lifestyle and buying a majority share in California-based Ingram Micro’s commerce and lifecycle services activities (CLS), including the company’s technology forward logistics businesses in North America,... more
MOL integrates part of its maritime business 

Japanese liner MOL recently passed a resolution to establish the new company MOL Drybulk - as the merger of its small- and medium- sized bulk carrier business, wood chip carrier business and Panamax business (excluding services for steel manufacturers and domestic electric power... more
Another concept for ammonia as shipping fuel 

Japanese liner K Line and Shin Kurushima Dock have joint AIP for the concept design of an ammonia fuelled car carrier from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK). As ammonia fuel does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2) during combustion, it is attracting attention as a next-generation... more
A closer look at Christmas consumption 

In its latest analysis, Copenhagen-based maritime intelligence provider Sea-Intelligence underlined that, while demand in USA maintains record levels, it is partially hampered by supply chain ruptures. Data proves that personal consumption in the country reached record levels in... more
More money for Manila 

Philippines-headquartered port and terminal operator International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI) continues to invest in its flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT). While the second phase development of MICT’s Berths 7 and 8 is in progress, which will... more
Moderate raise of tariffs for investments 

After two years without an increase, fees at Bremen's ports in Germany are set to rise by 2% from January 2022. Space charges in Bremen were last raised by an average of 2% on 1 January 2019. Bremen's ports refrained from an increase in 2020 due to poor economic forecasts,... more
Bimco introduces carbon emission clauses 

The London-based law firm HFW has supported the shipping association Bimco in drafting a series of clauses in response to strict new environmental legislation that will curb the industry's carbon emissions. The International Maritime Organisation's revised initial greenhouse gas... more
New equipment for Port Lafito 

Tideworks Technology has implemented a new marine terminal operating solution, called Mainsail 10, in Haiti's Port Lafito, which is managed by the Gilbert Bigio Group (GB Group). This launch is a fully hosted TOS deployment operating on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Port Lafito is... more