Six for methanol 

Six partners in Japan are opting for a joint approach to reduce the environmental impact of the shipping industry. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), MOL Coastal Shipping, Tabuchi Kaiun, Niihama Kaiun, Murakami Hide Shipbuilding and Hanshin Diesel Works have agreed to form a strategic... more
Seaber joins forces with Stora Enso 

The Finnish maritime technology company Seaber is partnering with Stora Enso to digitalise Stora Enso’s bulk and breakbulk shipment planning and communications. The web-based application is designed for both charterers and shipowners. Seaber claims that this is the first... more
The fall-out of skipping ports 

"Lost capacity" is the key issue. The MDS Transmodal (MDST) research, commissioned by Global Shippers Forum (GSF), recently measured the total number of container ship slots that were expected to be available at the port but did not materialise because either the port... more
Former services to Russia re-assigned 

Finnlines is no longer serving Russian ports. On 9 March 2022, it decided to unilaterally interrupt its traffic to Russia, although it was not legally obliged to do so. Thus, the holding Grimaldi Group, which operates these routes through Finnlines, cut four services to Russia... more
Russian cargo throughput in German sea ports 

The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the Russian Federation was the most important trading partner of the German seaports from January to November 2021, handling around 24.1 million t, 45% of which were fossil fuels. Russia thus accounts for 9% of... more
Thai ports benefited in 2021 

The state-run Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) has reported its annual figures for 2021. It generated revenues of THB 15.6 billion (USD 508 million) last year, a rise of 6% compared to 2020. The year's profit amounted to THB 6.2 billion (USD 202 million). Of the total revenues... more
For more capacity in Manila 

Philippines-based International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI) is building a new berth in its flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT). The construction of the new berth, which will be done in two phases, will allow MICT to handle ULCV that can carry up to... more
Sea Lead adds new loop 

Singapore-based ocean carrier Sea Lead Shipping is including the Jacksonville Port Authority (Jaxport) in the rotation of its first US East Coast container service. Jacksonville will serve as the last port of call on Sea Lead’s Asia East Coast (AEC) loop connecting the Florida... more
Hapag-Lloyd to buy DAL's container liner business 

Taking the opportunity to increase its service portfolio, Hapag-Lloyd has signed a framework agreement with German carrier Deutsche Afrika-Linien (DAL) to acquire its container liner business. The completion of the transaction is subject to approval by the relevant antitrust... more
Diesel pricing in frenzy 

According to data published by maritime intelligence provider Vessels Value, the price for diesel continues to rise. Since the outbreak of the war in Europe on 26 February 2022, the MR Atlantic Basket (an average of freight rates on key routes in the Atlantic Basin) climbed... more